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Regalos para empleados

Los regalos para empleados son artículos o experiencias tangibles que los empresarios entregan a sus empleados como muestra de agradecimiento, reconocimiento o recompensa por sus contribuciones, logros o esfuerzos en el lugar de trabajo. Estos regalos permiten a las organizaciones expresar gratitud, levantar la moral y mejorar el compromiso de los empleados.

¿Cuál es la definición de regalos para empleados?

Los regalos para empleados son expresiones tangibles de agradecimiento y reconocimiento que se otorgan a los empleados para mejorar el compromiso, la motivación y la moral en el lugar de trabajo. Estas muestras de gratitud pueden adoptar diversas formas, desde recompensas monetarias hasta regalos personalizados y oportunidades de vivir experiencias.

El compromiso de los empleados es crucial para el éxito de la organización, y los regalos bien pensados son fundamentales para fomentar un entorno de trabajo positivo. Reconocer y apreciar a los empleados mediante regalos contribuye a su satisfacción, motivación y compromiso con la organización.

What are some popular employee gifts?  

Some of the popular employee gifts include the following  

(a) Virtual gift card  

We all know how valuable it is to enjoy our leisure time.  With gift cards from your favorite brands, you’ll have a retreat of splendor. Xoxoday offers various gift card categories across lifestyle, fashion, electronics, travel, and more. Avail exclusive benefits of bulk gift cards, preparing you for every type of employee appreciation gift.  

(b) Employee desk plants  

Having eco-friendly plants placed meticulously on your employee’s desk boosts productivity and well-being. Carefully choose the plants representing your employees and present the same with a message. This lovely thank you gift goes a long way in showcasing gratitude.  

© Offer corporate discounts  

Offering corporate discounts to employees is a wonderful way to show appreciation that lasts beyond just one occasion. These discounts foster a happy, healthy, and productive workforce. Catering to a storefront solution of benefits, get tuned to a one-step checkout process; offering a seamless e-commerce experience.  

(d) Personalised tech accessories  

Personalizing remote work setups with customized laptop sleeves, wireless chargers, or ergonomic mouse pads are great thank you gifts for employees, elevating the experience with a thoughtful touch.  

(e) Handmade flower bouquet  

When searching for the perfect thank you gift for employees or a thoughtful Valentine's present for a coworker, a beautiful bouquet of flowers is always a sure bet! Flowers not only offer an affordable option but also add an attractive touch.  

(g) Tech tools  

Consider thoughtful and practical low-cost tech tools as gifts for your team members. A charging stick could be a thoughtful solution if someone on your staff frequently struggles with a drained phone battery. Other affordable tech gift ideas include desktop cube speakers, a stylish cell phone holder or case, and handy flash drives.

(h) Candles and fragrances  

Brighten someone's day with a simple, beautiful, and delightful gift - a collection of scented candles in their favorite fragrance, elegantly presented in a charming gift box. Candles can create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, promoting focus and well-being. Opt for cost-effective options that look good and last beyond a single use.

(i) Headphones  

A gift should be personal, useful, and enjoyable. High-end headphones are a versatile choice that suits various lifestyles, be it for commuting, work, or leisure. After all, who doesn't appreciate the pleasure of good music?

(j) Personalised rewards  

Disburse employee rewards in bulk with Xoxoday rewards distribution platform. With Xoxo point, Xoxo code, and Xoxo link, help employees redeem points for gift cards, merchandise, rewarding experiences, and more. These thank you gifts destresses your employees from work and provide a rejuvenating environment.

Escuche, reconozca, premie y retenga a sus empleados con nuestro software de compromiso de empleados  

¿Qué papel desempeñan los regalos para empleados en el compromiso?

El papel de los regalos para empleados en el compromiso incluye:

1. Motivación y moral

  • Impacto en la satisfacción de los empleados: Los regalos bien elegidos son un poderoso motivador que aumenta la satisfacción laboral y la sensación de plenitud entre los empleados.
  • Contribución a un ambiente de trabajo positivo: Los regalos de los empleados contribuyen a crear una cultura positiva en el lugar de trabajo, ya que levantan la moral, fomentan el trabajo en equipo y crean un ambiente de apoyo.

2. Reconocimiento y agradecimiento

  • Reconocimiento de logros individuales y de equipo: Los regalos sirven como símbolos tangibles de reconocimiento de los logros individuales y colectivos dentro de la organización.
  • Fomentar una cultura de reconocimiento: Los obsequios periódicos y significativos a los empleados contribuyen a desarrollar una cultura en la que el aprecio y el reconocimiento se entretejen en la vida laboral diaria.

What are the customised gifts for employees?

When it comes to showing appreciation, offering customized gifts for employees can make a significant impact. Here are some of the best options to consider:

1. Personalized office supplies

Customized office supplies, such as engraved pens, notebooks, or desk organizers, are practical gifts that employees can use daily. Adding their name or a motivational quote can make these items feel special and appreciated.

2. Custom apparel

Branded clothing items like t-shirts, hoodies, or caps embroidered with the company logo and the employee's name can foster a sense of belonging and team spirit. This is especially effective for team-building events or company outings.

3. Unique keepsakes

Consider giving personalized keepsakes such as custom plaques or photo frames that commemorate an employee's achievements or milestones. These can serve as lasting reminders of their contributions to the company.

4. Fun and quirky gifts

Customized gifts like mini-me bobbleheads or funny desk toys can add a lighthearted touch to the workplace. These gifts not only bring a smile but also serve as conversation starters.

5. Experience gifts

Offering experiences, such as gift cards for local activities or team-building experiences, can create memorable moments. These can include cooking classes, escape rooms, or wellness retreats, tailored to the interests of your employees.

6. Customized drinkware

Personalized mugs, tumblers, or water bottles with the employee's name or a motivational message can be both functional and thoughtful. These items are perfect for daily use and can enhance the employee's workspace.

7. Engraved kitchenware

For employees who enjoy cooking, consider gifts like custom cutting boards or engraved utensils. These gifts can be personalized with their initials or a meaningful quote, making them both practical and sentimental.

8. Recognition letters

A framed letter recognizing individual or team achievements can be a powerful gesture. Accompanying this with a gift card for a nice dinner or a small bonus can further enhance the appreciation.

¿Cuáles son los distintos tipos de regalos para empleados?

Los distintos tipos de regalos para empleados incluyen:

1. Recompensas monetarias

  • Primas e incentivos: Recompensas económicas directas por resultados excepcionales o por alcanzar objetivos específicos.
  • Tarjetas regalo y premios en metálico: Las recompensas monetarias flexibles y personalizables permiten a los empleados elegir artículos o experiencias que valoran.

2. Recompensas no monetarias

  • Regalos personalizados: Artículos a medida adaptados a las preferencias individuales, que muestran un toque personal.
  • Recompensas experienciales: Días de spa, bonos de viaje u otras experiencias memorables más allá de las posesiones materiales.
  • Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional: La inversión en las capacidades de los empleados y el crecimiento profesional como forma de reconocimiento.

3. Programas de reconocimiento

  • Premios al empleado del mes/trimestre/año: Programas formales que destacan las contribuciones sobresalientes.
  • Iniciativas de reconocimiento entre compañeros: Animar a los compañeros a reconocerse y recompensarse mutuamente por un trabajo ejemplar.

What are professional gifts for employees?  

Choosing the right gifts for employees can enhance morale, foster a positive work environment, and show appreciation for their hard work. Here are some thoughtful and professional gift ideas that can cater to various preferences and occasions:

1. Experience gifts

Unique Experiences: Instead of traditional gifts, consider offering experiences such as cooking classes, concert tickets, or adventure activities. These gifts create lasting memories and can be tailored to individual interests, making them feel special and appreciated.

2. Professional development opportunities

Learning Subscriptions: Providing access to online learning platforms like Coursera or MasterClass can be a valuable gift. This not only shows that you care about their personal growth but also encourages skill development that benefits the company.

3. Personalized items

Custom Gifts: Items like monogrammed notebooks, personalized pens, or custom mugs can add a personal touch. These gifts are practical and can be used daily, reminding employees of your appreciation.

4. Wellness gifts

Self-Care Packages: Consider gifting wellness items such as massage tools, aromatherapy diffusers, or spa gift cards. These gifts promote relaxation and well-being, showing that you value your employees' health.

5. Office enhancements

Home Office Upgrades: With many employees working remotely, gifts like ergonomic chairs, desk organizers, or quality headphones can enhance their work environment. These gifts demonstrate that you care about their comfort and productivity.

6. Food and beverage gifts

Gourmet Treats: High-quality snacks, gourmet coffee, or a subscription box for snacks or beverages can be a delightful surprise. Food gifts are universally appreciated and can be shared among teams.

7. Gift cards

Flexible Options: Gift cards to popular retailers or restaurants allow employees to choose what they want. This flexibility ensures that the gift is something they will truly enjoy.

8. Team building activities

Group Experiences: Organizing team-building events or outings can serve as both a gift and a way to strengthen team dynamics. Activities like escape rooms, cooking classes, or outdoor adventures can be fun and engaging.

¿Qué debe tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir los regalos para empleados?

Debes tenerlo en cuenta:

  • Alineación con las preferencias de los empleados: Entender y alinear los regalos con las preferencias individuales contribuye a su eficacia e impacto.
  • Sensibilidad cultural: Tener en cuenta los matices culturales garantiza que los regalos tengan sentido y sean respetuosos con los diversos orígenes.
  • ‍Inclusividady diversidad: Seleccionar regalos que atraigan a una plantilla diversa fomenta la inclusión y evita los prejuicios involuntarios.
  • ‍Customizacióny personalización: Adaptar los regalos a los gustos y preferencias individuales añade un toque personal que aumenta su valor.
  • ‍Limitaciones presupuestarias: Equilibrar el deseo de ofrecer regalos significativos con las limitaciones presupuestarias para garantizar la sostenibilidad.

What are some useful employee gifts?  

Some of the useful employee gifts include the following  

1. Experience gifts

  • Foodie Gift Cards: These can be used for dining out or participating in cooking classes, providing employees with enjoyable experiences outside of work.
  • Wellness Classes: Gift cards for virtual fitness or wellness classes can promote health and well-being among employees, especially those working from home.
  • Hotel Gift Cards: Offering a staycation or getaway can be a thoughtful way to encourage employees to relax and recharge.

2. Personalized Gifts

  • Customized Apparel: Items like branded t-shirts or hoodies can foster a sense of belonging and team spirit.
  • Personalized Stationery: Customized notebooks or planners can be both functional and personal, making them great gifts for employees who appreciate organization.
  • DIY Gift Baskets: Tailoring gift baskets to individual preferences, such as spa items or gourmet snacks, can show thoughtfulness and care.

3. Fun and Unique Gifts

  • Mini Desk Games: Small games can provide a fun break during work hours and help relieve stress.
  • Wine Advent Calendar: This creative gift can add a festive touch during the holidays, offering a new tasting experience each day.
  • LED Light Boxes: These can be used to display motivational quotes or personal messages, adding a fun element to any workspace.

4. Budget-Friendly Options

  • Socks or Fun Accessories: Simple yet enjoyable gifts that can bring a smile without breaking the bank.
  • Homemade Treats: Baking cookies or creating DIY kits can be a personal touch that employees will appreciate.
  • Gift Cards for Local Stores: Supporting local businesses while giving employees the freedom to choose what they want can be a win-win situation

¿Cuáles son las mejores prácticas para implantar programas de regalos para empleados?

Las mejores prácticas son:

  • Comunicación clara y transparencia: Una comunicación transparente sobre los criterios para recibir regalos y el proceso que implica fomenta la confianza y la comprensión.
  • ‍Reconocimiento oportunoy coherente: El reconocimiento periódico y oportuno garantiza que los empleados se sientan valorados de forma constante a lo largo del año.
  • ‍Integracióncon la gestión del rendimiento: Alinear los programas de regalos con las estrategias de gestión del rendimiento refuerza el vínculo entre el reconocimiento y los logros.
  • Participación de los empleadosen la selección de regalos: Permitir que los empleados opinen sobre los regalos ofrecidos aumenta su sentimiento de propiedad y satisfacción.
  • Medición y evaluación de la eficacia de los programas: Evaluar periódicamente el impacto de los programas de donaciones ayuda a perfeccionar las estrategias y a garantizar la mejora continua.

¿Cuál es el papel de la tecnología en los programas de regalos para empleados?

El papel de la tecnología son:

  • Plataformas digitales para el reconocimiento: Las plataformas en línea facilitan un reconocimiento fácil y eficaz, haciendo el proceso más accesible.
  • ‍Aplicaciones móvilespara recompensas y canje: Las aplicaciones móviles facilitan a los empleados el canje de recompensas y la gestión de sus preferencias de reconocimiento.
  • Análisise información basada en datos: El uso de análisis ayuda a las organizaciones a obtener información sobre la eficacia de los programas de regalos y el compromiso de los empleados.

Encuestas sobre el pulso de los empleados:

Se trata de encuestas cortas que pueden enviarse con frecuencia para comprobar rápidamente lo que piensan sus empleados sobre un tema. La encuesta consta de menos preguntas (no más de 10) para obtener la información rápidamente. Pueden administrarse a intervalos regulares (mensual/semanal/trimestral).

Reuniones individuales:

Celebrar reuniones periódicas de una hora de duración para mantener una charla informal con cada uno de los miembros del equipo es una forma excelente de hacerse una idea real de lo que ocurre con ellos. Al ser una conversación segura y privada, te ayuda a obtener mejores detalles sobre un asunto.


El eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) es una de las formas más sencillas pero eficaces de evaluar la opinión de sus empleados sobre su empresa. Incluye una pregunta intrigante que mide la lealtad. Un ejemplo de las preguntas del eNPS son ¿Qué probabilidad hay de que recomiende nuestra empresa a otras personas? Los empleados responden a la encuesta eNPS en una escala del 1 al 10, donde el 10 denota que es "muy probable" que recomienden la empresa y el 1 significa que es "muy poco probable" que la recomienden.

En función de las respuestas, los empleados pueden clasificarse en tres categorías diferentes:

  • Promotores
    Empleados que han respondido positivamente o están de acuerdo.
  • Detractores
    Empleados que han reaccionado negativamente o no están de acuerdo.
  • Pasivos
    Empleados que se han mantenido neutrales con sus respuestas.

¿Cuáles son los retos y las soluciones de los regalos para empleados?

Los retos y las soluciones son:

  • Limitaciones presupuestarias: Aplicar estrategias rentables y soluciones creativas para superar las limitaciones financieras.
  • Garantizar la equidady la igualdad: Establecer criterios y directrices claros para garantizar la equidad y la igualdad de oportunidades para todos los empleados.
  • Mantener elcompromiso a largo plazo: Poner en práctica estrategias para que los programas de regalos sigan siendo interesantes y relevantes para mantener el compromiso de los empleados.

¿Cuáles son las tendencias futuras en materia de compromiso y reconocimiento de los empleados?

Las tendencias incluyen:

  • Avances tecnológicos: Integración de tecnologías avanzadas, como la IA y la realidad virtual, en los programas de reconocimiento.
  • ‍Evoluciónde las preferencias de los empleados: Adaptar el programa de regalos a las preferencias y expectativas cambiantes de los trabajadores.
  • ‍Globalizacióny consideraciones interculturales: Consideración de la dinámica global e intercultural en los programas de reconocimiento para garantizar su pertinencia e inclusividad.

What are some of the best virtual gifts for employees?  

The best virtual gifts for employees include the following

1. Succulents  

Being stuck in the office can frustrate you, especially when the weather is nice! Invite the outdoors with these fresh, easy-to-care-for succulents that make affordable gifts for employees. These tiny plants require little care and water, making them a lively accent even for those without a “green thumb.”

2. Picture frame

A picture frame can easily liven up your employee’s desk and adds a personal touch to the mundane office décor. This gift for employees is very unique which can be used for various reasons, whether in the office or at home.  

3. Weekly planner

With a weekly planner, the employees can jot down work assignments, notes, and social events. This gift is a must-have for all employees. A weekly planner is an excellent gift for organized employees, keeping everything in one place.

4. Stainless steel water bottle

Instead of running to the water cooler multiple times daily, your recipient can stay hydrated with a refillable water bottle. Not to mention, they are easy to clean, making them a valuable gift for employees yearning to drink more water.

5. Fun socks

Lively socks are entertaining gifts for staff members that liven up their everyday business dress and serve as excellent discussion starters. These goofy socks are available in a wide range of distinctive patterns and designs, so there is something for everyone.

6. Hand moisturizer  

Your staff members would enjoy giving their hands a nice massage with a soothing hand moisturizer after typing all day. Keeping hand moisturizer "on hand" for employee gifts is usually a good idea. Pun intended.  

7. Stainless steel straws

A stainless-steel straw saves on plastic and is a helpful item to keep on hand inside and outside the workplace. Employees can use this with water bottles, coffee, or other drinks throughout the day.  

8. Lip balm

A lip balm set makes a great employee gift for individuals who conduct numerous meetings or give numerous presentations throughout the day so that their lips can be refreshed and moisturized after all the speaking. Lip balm is small and handy and may be put away on a desk for easy access.

What are the gifts employees actually want?  

The gifts employees actually want include the following  

1. Personalized pen

Personalized gifts for employees are always a fun option. A customized pen is a timeless gift for employees and perfect for welcoming new hires to the office for their first day. It’s simple to keep track of a pen that has their name written on it!  

2. Laptop bag

A laptop bag makes carrying a laptop to and from the office more accessible, making it a super generous gift for employees. With convenient pockets, this laptop bag comes in different color options and has the organizational tools necessary to keep all your office supplies in one place.  

3. USB flash drive

Extra storage is always a must, and USB flash drives make it easy to save essential documents as a backup. USBs make practical gifts for employees.  

4. Inspirational wall art

Decorate the freelancers’ workspace with motivational wall art or prints that inspire creativity and positive thinking.

5. Relaxation and self-care kit

Encourage self-care and relaxation with a kit that includes scented candles, bath bombs, essential oils, and a cozy blanket for their well-deserved breaks.

6. Desktop whiteboard or sticky notes

Aid their brainstorming and idea organization with a desktop whiteboard or sticky notes for quick reminders and jotting down thoughts.

7. Comfortable slippers  

Add a touch of coziness to their work-from-home routine with a pair of comfortable and warm slippers.  

What are the best employee team gifts?  

Some of the best employee team gifts include the following  

1. Coffee maker

With no common kitchen to grab a coffee with coworkers, you can still ensure your remote workers always have the good stuff at their fingertips. The Cuisinart 10-Cup Thermal Programmable Coffeemaker is a thoughtful gift for employees with a charcoal water filter and stainless steel carafe to guarantee a hot and delicious cup anytime.

2. Reusable tote bag

Remote employees often work in various locations, like a park or a local coffee shop. A reusable tote bag is a cool gift for employees, helping them carry their office essentials effectively.  

3. Office chair

Good office furniture can increase employee productivity. Even if employees don't work on-site, a cozy chair is a considerate gift to ensure a good working environment. The money spent on this cozy chair will be well worth it if you want your employee to be content daily.

4. Headphones

A good pair of headphones can help drown out background noise and make a handy gift for employees who work at home taking conference calls. These high-quality headphones will enhance their hearing whether listening to music or in a virtual meeting.  

5. Portable charger

It's essential to have a power source nearby when working on the go so your electronics can continue functioning. The ideal present for staff members who work outside the office is a portable charger. It's a fantastic tool for both everyday use and travel.

6. Alexa smart speaker  

This smart home speaker is voice-activated and synced with Amazon's Alexa. You can check the news, and weather, play music, turn on or off the lights, and more by adding Alexa to any room. Employees that work from home would appreciate receiving this as a present so they won't have to leave their desks.

7. Smartphone UV Sanitizer

Whether or not they are clean freaks, smartphones are notorious for acquiring germs. Utilizing UV light, this useful device sanitizes smartphones, helping quickly eliminate bacteria. This employee present is simple to keep on a desk or tucked away in a travel bag or purse.

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