The Ultimate Guide to Employee Engagement

Employee Engagament
The ultimate guide to employee engagement
There's more to employee engagement than weekend dinners and lunchtime gossips, and these factors can impact your organizational goals in a positive way.

A 2020 survey in the UK revealed that more than half of its working population is considering finding a new job this year. ~25% of the employees are actively looking for a job change. Billions of dollars are poured every year by employers on hiring new talent as retaining high-performing employees is becoming more challenging.

Today, everyone is looking to find the right job where they can find a work-life balance and a great work culture. While some organizations have utilized employee engagement solutions to reduce their attrition rate by > 40% from an issue that very much had a work-life balance at its essence, the concept of work-life balance remains paradoxical.

In today’s hyper-connected world, it is extremely difficult to separate work life from personal life. Hence, HR managers should focus on employee’s overall happiness and

well-being and not just life at work. Engagement, happiness, and satisfaction, although inter-connected, are different concepts but they must be managed in a single go.

This paper aims to provide HR leaders with the necessary tools to look beyond employee satisfaction and achieve employee engagement.

In this guide, you will learn more on

  • What is employee engagement
  • Employee Satisfaction vs. Employee Happiness vs. Employee Engagement
  • Why employee engagement is important
  • How to measure employee engagement
  • Top employee engagement mistakes
  • The employee engagement strategy
  • Success stories 
