Redefining the Intranet for Your Organization

Employee Communication
Redefining the intranet for your organization
There's more to workplace intranet than sharing news articles and Friday jokes. The medium empowers all-around communication, collaboration, surveys, and a winning workforce. Learn to harness its true power.

Gone are the days when the idea of offices meant to be sitting in a cubicle, between the four walls, for stipulated work hours (like 8 AM to 5 PM). With today’s hyper-connected, remote workforce, the lines between the physical office space and where work actually happens have blurred.

Organizations of today have become distributed and fragmented, with more and more people working remotely with diverse tools and technologies. Work has become unstructured and non-routine, with minimal to no boundaries between personal and professional lives. Employees of today are constantly connected, trying to rapidly solve a changing mix of challenges.

In times like these, no matter how big or small the organization is, having a technology platform that helps build a strong internal communication network plays a huge role in keeping the workforce connected and engaged.

A workplace intranet that helps employees seamlessly communicate, collaborate, share and innovate, can be a game-changer and help build a workplace that fosters productivity, efficiency and growth, while driving improved employee experience and culture.

In this guide, you will learn more on

  • What is a Workplace Intranet
  • Why your Organization needs a Corporate Intranet
  • What Makes a Corporate Intranet Truly Modern
  • What Features to look for in a Modern Corporate Intranet
