Put your Reward Program on autopilot with reward cycles

Introducing Reward Program with Rewards Cycles to simplify awards management and drive a more efficient and impactful recognition process all year long.

Motivate with AI-powered recognition and rewards
Motivate with AI-powered recognition and rewards

Automate Reward Cycles with the Reward Program Dashboard on Empuls

Tutti gli strumenti necessari per ottenere un riconoscimento efficace dei dipendenti

Dare visibilità a ogni traguardo e pietra miliare
Accendere i riflettori

Amplificate la visibilità accendendo i riflettori su ogni riconoscimento con una social intranet per far sentire i dipendenti apprezzati.


Coinvolgete l'intera famiglia di lavoro nella celebrazione degli eventi e delle tappe fondamentali del ciclo di vita dei dipendenti.


Permettete ai dipendenti di fare il tifo per i loro colleghi usando commenti, like, battimani, GIF, emoji e allegati.

Condivisione sociale

Lasciate che i dipendenti si vantino dei risultati e dei traguardi raggiunti sul lavoro con la loro rete di contatti su canali sociali come LinkedIn.

Sostituire le bacheche fisiche con quelle digitali
Cartellone dei desideri per il compleanno

Raddoppiate la gioia di festeggiare un compleanno con gli auguri personalizzati dei colleghi.

Cartella dei desideri per gli eventi della vita

Celebrate gli eventi della vita con la famiglia di lavoro allargata e create ricordi duraturi con i loro auguri.

Cartellone dei desideri per le vacanze

Diffondete lo spirito di festa inviando gli auguri di stagione ai vostri dipendenti e alle loro famiglie.

Cartella dei desideri per il premio di servizio

Unitevi per applaudire i vincitori dei premi di servizio e onorare i loro successi sul muro della fama.

Promuovere il riconoscimento dei dipendenti a livello aziendale con l'IA
Messaggi potenziati dall'intelligenza artificiale

L'intelligenza artificiale generativa vi aiuta a creare messaggi significativi quando nominate colleghi e team per i premi.

Suggerimenti e notifiche

Em, il nostro bot basato sull'intelligenza artificiale, utilizza le segnalazioni, le notifiche e i dati pregressi per stimolare l'azione e la partecipazione dei dipendenti.

Punteggi di coinvolgimento

Con punteggi di attività per ogni azione, i dipendenti possono essere spinti a partecipare e ad accumulare crediti di coinvolgimento.


Le classifiche di coinvolgimento personalizzate stimolano una sana competizione e mostrano la posizione di ciascun dipendente rispetto ai colleghi.

Set up your annual reward program with easy steps
Plan Reward Cycles

Outline reward cycles within your reward program and strategically allocate budgets for each cycle, in advance for the entire year.

Customize Awards

Choose from existing awards or create new ones and set up the workflow to automate each step.

Define Approvers & Set Reminders

Designate approvers for each award and set up automatic reminders, prompting them to review and act on nominations. 

Schedule the Cycle

Schedule start and end dates for the award and dates for announcing winners and disbursing rewards.

Automate activation and publishing of awards
Collect Nominations

An intuitive interface allows HR admins to view nominations submitted and the status of each submission.

Add a Jury Panel

An empaneled jury evaluates and scores nominations based on established criteria.

Review Process Automation

The system consolidates all nomination data and highlights pending actions from managers, including the status of each nomination.

Announce Winners

Upon award approval, winners are announced and notified promptly about the award and reward.

Measure the impact of your program
Analyze Budget Utilization

Compare planned vs. actual spends for each reward cycle to understand overall utilization of the reward program budget.

Measure Program Engagement

Track nominations submitted, actions pending by approvers, and their current review level for each reward cycle.

Analyze Program Effectiveness

Measure the impact of your recognition and reward program with data and reports across departments, award categories, budgets, and participation rates, and identify areas of improvement.

Why Empuls Reward Program

A strategic necessity to boost engagement

Implementing a rewards program is essential for several reasons

Enhance Employee Engagement

Only 23% of employees globally feel engaged at work. A structured rewards and recognition program helps improve engagement and employee morale, resulting in more productivity, commitment, and motivation.

Boost Productivity

Poor engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion annually in lost productivity. Recognized and rewarded employees are more motivated to contribute to organizational goals, leading to higher productivity levels.

Foster a Positive Workplace Culture

Recognition and rewards create a culture of appreciation, making employees feel valued and respected. This leads to stronger team cohesion, better collaboration, and a more positive work environment.

Improve Well-being

Employee wellbeing is declining, with only 34% of employees globally reporting that they are thriving. Rewards programs provide incentives that improve both mental and physical health, enhancing overall wellbeing and reducing stress.

Works for Everyone

Tailored solution for diverse needs

Empuls Reward Cycles are designed for HR teams looking to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their Reward Programs.

Large Enterprises

With complex and numerous employee recognition needs, having a single hub for all reward cycles makes reward program administration easy.  You can configure all your rewards and automate them as per your needs.


If you are looking to implement a scalable rewards system without extensive manual effort, reward cycles are the perfect solution to help HR improve productivity and efficiency.

Cost-Conscious Markets

Companies looking to boost ROI from R&R solutions and cut administrative overheads can benefit from Empuls Reward Programs and Reward Cycles. Track all reward budgets from a single dashboard to keep costs under control.