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Employee Feedback

What are the types of employee feedback?

There are various types of employee feedback:

  • Oral feedback is the traditional way of giving feedback in the workplace. It's usually informal and spontaneous. It can be delivered during a meeting or over the phone.
  • Employee surveys are used by organizations to gauge employee satisfaction and how they feel about their job and the organization.
  • Informal feedback is often given during a conversation between two people. It isn't always formal and direct, but it's still effective at helping your employees improve their skills and knowledge.
  • Directive feedback is used to get employees to take action on something they need to accomplish or improve upon. This type of feedback is usually presented in written form and includes specific instructions on how you want them to improve their performance at work.
  • Exception-based feedback is the kind of feedback you give when something goes wrong, like when an employee has missed a deadline or made an error that hurt others' feelings (or yours).

What is employee feedback?

Employee feedback is an approach to providing feedback to employees. It communicates positive and negative feedback about an employee's performance, training, and development. Employee feedback can be made in person, by telephone, or by written communication.

Regular feedback helps employees improve their performance while also improving the company's bottom line. This can be done through formal employee surveys and more informal conversations.

Why is employee feedback important?

Here are several reasons why employee feedback is important: 

  • It improves employee productivity and satisfaction.
  • It can be used as a tool for training and development.
  • It helps improve the overall work environment and company culture.
  • It helps you understand what motivates your employees (and how you can keep them motivated).
  • It helps build relationships between managers and employees, which leads to more open communication within the team.
  • It gives managers insight into how well their team members are doing daily. 
  • It is an opportunity for managers to identify strengths and weaknesses in their employees, so they can make improvements where needed.
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What are the benefits of employee feedback?

The benefits of employee feedback include:

  • It helps identify talent in your organization, so you can keep it or hire new people with potential.
  • It helps the company gain insight into what is going well and what needs to be improved.
  • It helps companies decide how to use resources to make the business more efficient, profitable, and effective.
  • It helps companies determine which areas need more attention or improvement to efficiently allocate their time and money.
  • It builds trust between you and your team, which means that they are more likely to tell you when something isn’t working well, which helps with problem-solving and improvement efforts.
  • It is a way to improve the quality of work that employees do.

Employee Feedback

What are the types of employee feedback?

There are various types of employee feedback:

  • Oral feedback is the traditional way of giving feedback in the workplace. It's usually informal and spontaneous. It can be delivered during a meeting or over the phone.
  • Employee surveys are used by organizations to gauge employee satisfaction and how they feel about their job and the organization.
  • Informal feedback is often given during a conversation between two people. It isn't always formal and direct, but it's still effective at helping your employees improve their skills and knowledge.
  • Directive feedback is used to get employees to take action on something they need to accomplish or improve upon. This type of feedback is usually presented in written form and includes specific instructions on how you want them to improve their performance at work.
  • Exception-based feedback is the kind of feedback you give when something goes wrong, like when an employee has missed a deadline or made an error that hurt others' feelings (or yours).

How to give employee feedback?

Here are some tips on how to give effective employee feedback:

  • Start with a compliment: It's easier to give negative feedback when it comes to criticism, but it's more productive to start with something positive about your employee's work habits or attitude. 
  • Be specific: People remember the details of a compliment or negative comment more than generalities about someone's performance or attitude towards their job responsibilities. Be as specific as possible when giving feedback so that your employees understand what you mean by each comment or action and why it matters.
  • Be honest: If something isn't working well, tell them so — even if they already know it. And if there are things they've done well in the past that deserve recognition, let them know.
  • Don't be afraid of giving negative feedback: While some people might perceive this as rude or negative, others will find it helpful because they will be able to get back on track with whatever changes were suggested.

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How to give negative feedback to employees?

Here are some tips for giving negative feedback:

  • Set the stage: Before giving negative feedback, ensure your team understands why it is happening and that everyone agrees with the action or behavior being discussed. This will help them take ownership of their actions and better understand why they need to do differently next time.
  • Be constructive: Don't just give them a list of things they did wrong; say what you think they could have done differently and how they could have done better next time.
  • Be specific: Don't just say, "You need to improve." Instead, explain what you see as the problem with their work and how they could solve it.
  • Make sure it's accurate: If necessary, go back to the original recording or video of the incident and make sure your criticism is correct. Make sure it is given in private.
  • Don't blame: Avoid accusatory statements such as "You always do this." Instead, try using phrases like "I think we need to discuss this." 

What is an employee feedback survey?

An employee feedback survey is a tool that helps managers and supervisors to collect feedback from workers on their performance, job satisfaction, and more. It helps an employer understand how their employees feel about the company, their work environment, goals, and objectives.

Employee pulse surveys:

These are short surveys that can be sent frequently to check what your employees think about an issue quickly. The survey comprises fewer questions (not more than 10) to get the information quickly. These can be administered at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/quarterly).

One-on-one meetings:

Having periodic, hour-long meetings for an informal chat with every team member is an excellent way to get a true sense of what’s happening with them. Since it is a safe and private conversation, it helps you get better details about an issue.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is one of the simplest yet effective ways to assess your employee's opinion of your company. It includes one intriguing question that gauges loyalty. An example of eNPS questions include: How likely are you to recommend our company to others? Employees respond to the eNPS survey on a scale of 1-10, where 10 denotes they are ‘highly likely’ to recommend the company and 1 signifies they are ‘highly unlikely’ to recommend it.

Based on the responses, employees can be placed in three different categories:

  • Promoters
    Employees who have responded positively or agreed.
  • Detractors
    Employees who have reacted negatively or disagreed.
  • Passives
    Employees who have stayed neutral with their responses.

What are employee feedback best practices?

Here's a comprehensive guide to ensure your feedback practices are effective:

1. Setting the stage for success: Preparation is key

  • Define the objective: Before initiating a feedback session, establish a clear purpose. Is it a performance review, a development discussion to hone specific skills, or addressing a recent behavioral issue? A focused goal ensures the conversation remains productive and relevant.
  • Gather intel: Come prepared with information. Review the employee's performance history, established goals, and any past feedback provided. This context allows you to tailor your insights and connect them to the employee's ongoing development journey.
  • Specificity is king: Don't rely on vague generalities. Gather concrete examples of the employee's behavior or performance that illustrate your points. This provides a factual basis for your feedback and avoids misunderstandings.

2. Creating a safe space for open communication

  • Psychological safety: Foster a comfortable and confidential environment. Employees should feel safe to express themselves openly and honestly without fear of repercussions. This is crucial for receiving valuable unfiltered feedback.
  • A balanced approach: Effective feedback is a two-way street. While addressing areas for improvement, acknowledge and celebrate the employee's strengths and accomplishments. This positive reinforcement motivates them to continue excelling.
  • "I" statements: Structure your feedback using "I" statements. Focus on your observations ("I noticed a decline in...") instead of accusatory language ("You always..."). This approach reduces defensiveness and encourages a collaborative conversation.
  • Actionable steps: Don't just identify shortcomings; provide clear and actionable steps for improvement. Work with the employee to establish achievable goals and strategies for addressing weaknesses.

3. Beyond the session: Fostering ongoing development

  • Document the discussion: Summarize key points and agreed-upon action steps in a follow-up email or document. This creates a clear record of the conversation and ensures everyone is on the same page moving forward.
  • Accountability matters: Schedule follow-up discussions to track progress on the established goals. Hold the employee accountable for taking action and provide ongoing support throughout the development process.
  • The gift of regularity: Ditch the mentality of annual reviews. Frequent, informal feedback sessions throughout the year maximize impact. This allows for course correction in real-time and reinforces positive behaviors.

4. Additional tips for effective feedback delivery

  • Timeliness is key: Provide feedback as close to the event as possible to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. The sooner the employee receives the feedback, the sooner they can course-correct.
  • Objectivity is paramount: Avoid personal biases and base your feedback on factual observations and concrete examples. This ensures the feedback is fair and constructive.
  • Respectful delivery: Even when addressing shortcomings, frame your feedback with respect for the employee. A positive and encouraging tone fosters a more receptive environment.
  • Active listening: Effective feedback is a dialogue, not a monologue. Actively listen to the employee's responses, acknowledge their perspective, and be open to their insights.
  • Tailored communication: Consider the employee's preferred communication style. Some individuals might appreciate a more direct approach, while others may respond better to gentler phrasing.
  • Focus on solutions: The ultimate goal is to help the employee improve. Work collaboratively to develop solutions and strategies for overcoming challenges.

How to encourage employee feedback?

  • Be open to receiving feedback, even if it's not the kind you want to hear.
  • Create a culture of feedback by making employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions with you.
  • Explain that you value the employee's input and that they will be more likely to provide constructive criticism when they feel heard.
  • Ask employees for their ideas on ways to improve your products or services, then ask them how they would solve the problem at hand and suggest possible solutions.
  • Listen actively to what they say, especially if they offer constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.
  • Don't be defensive or defensive of your ideas; take a moment before responding to consider what the employee is saying and how it relates to your business goals.

What are some of the positive employee feedback examples? 

Here are a few examples of good employee feedback:

  • "I want to thank you for your help putting together a great presentation. It is much better than I expected and has been well-received by the company."
  • "I want to commend you on your performance in the last quarter. I know you have worked hard, and I appreciate your efforts."
  • "I have been impressed with your work ethic and attitude toward learning new skills."
  • "You have done a great job on the project, and I am happy with your progress."

What are some of the negative employee feedback examples?

Here are some examples of negative employee feedback:

  • I don't think you're a good fit for this position.
  • I don't think you're a team player.
  • You're a bad leader.
  • You're not meeting expectations.
  • You're not doing your job well enough.
  • Your work is subpar.
  • I'd like to see more effort from you.
  • You failed to follow through on a task you were assigned.
  • Your pace is too slow, too fast, or just right for you, but it's not good enough for others.

How to collect employee feedback?

There are many ways to collect employee feedback. Here are some of the most common:

  • Surveys: These are a great way to identify areas that need improvement. You can ask employees to rate their experience with your brand or service. 
  • Focus groups: These are a great way to get feedback on specific topics. They allow you to see what people think about your brand and how you could improve it.
  • Open-ended questions: Don't be afraid to ask specific questions about anything, from how someone feels about their job to what they like about their boss or coworkers.

How can managers improve employee satisfaction with the feedback process?

Managers can improve employee satisfaction with the feedback process by:

  • Ensuring that there is a clear definition of what constitutes "feedback" and when it should be given.
  • Including negative feedback on performance appraisals so that employees know what they need to work on and how to improve their performance.
  • Providing training for managers on how to give constructive feedback to improve their effectiveness as managers.
  • Asking questions that help them understand what went well and what could have been done better. 
  • Setting clear expectations and a well-developed plan for managing the team.
  • Taking the time to listen to your employees and hear what they have to say about their job performance. 

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