Industry-leading Professional Services

Our decade-long experience working closely with hundreds of companies and profoundly understanding their culture culminates in Empuls Professional Services. We translated our learnings into a framework that helps us deliver repeat success for every customer.

Our Customers Love Us!

They only have positive things to say about our solutions and services

Customer Net Promoter Score

Empuls boasts a loyalty score of 31, making us a champion for employee engagement.

Customer Satisfaction Score

Empuls earns a near-perfect customer satisfaction score of 9.4/10.

G2 Customer Reviews

Empuls is a G2 Winter 2025 Leader in employee engagement.

Empuls Professional Services

As your trusted partner, we align with your unique culture and needs. From design to implementation, we co-create tailored solutions for modernizing rewards, launching listening programs, revamping well-being initiatives, or building comprehensive engagement plans.

Mehrere Zuschlagsarten

Taking the stress out of program design 

Our experts work with you to determine your desired outcomes and help you design recognition, rewards, surveys, and well-being programs that consistently deliver results.

We'll co-create the program, tailoring it to your organization's culture by utilizing our expert strategy, program design, and execution to translate it into a stellar employee experience.

We validate our framework with industry experts (SHRM and Kognoz Research & Consulting), and our customers to ensure it translates into your desired outcomes.

Mehrere Zuschlagsarten

Reliable implementation that guarantees program success

Our specialized team, of Implementation Specialists, Product Designers, Technical Architects, Customer Success Managers (CSM), Communication Experts, and Customer Support, ensures the program is implemented on time, meticulously maintained, and continuously improved.

We'll configure programs, workflows, reports, integrations, and enhancements to meet your needs, and verify their functionality through comprehensive system walkthroughs.

Our native integrations with HRMS, SSO, and productivity tools are standardized, require minimal setup, and are rigorously tested to optimize program effectiveness. 

We help you personalize the platform with your branding, making the system truly yours.

Mehrere Zuschlagsarten

Communicate the vision and simplify change management

We guide you defining the right audience, crafting communication materials, and establishing a rollout schedule to ensure your organization is fully aware of the new initiative.

We provide in-depth training for your administrators to maximize platform adoption and develop custom user and admin guides to ensure everyone gets the most out of the platform.

We deliver metrics and dashboards on platform utilization, program adoption, employee sentiment, and engagement to help you make data-backed decisions about your program.

Mehrere Zuschlagsarten

Our support model that keeps you moving forward

Our dedicated support team handles a variety of issues and topics in a timely manner, from functional support to issues with points or rewards fulfilment, and technical and platform support.

Our solutions are backed by comprehensive self-service resources, giving you the security that we're with you every step of the way and ensuring you have everything to achieve your goals.

End-users can request and track support cases with full transparency on SLAs. Company administrators can also get an overview of all support cases and see how they are processed.

Our solution comes with a comprehensive suite of reports tailored for employees, managers, and HR administrators, unlocking valuable insights on business, team, and individual performance. 

Mehrere Zuschlagsarten

Comprehensive support throughout the customer journey

Your dedicated CSM acts as the strategic partner, working closely with organizations to ensure program effectiveness, ongoing program optimization and ROI.

The team delivers proactive support through regular health checks, quarterly business reviews, and data-driven optimization recommendations.

The CSM provides valuable insights through detailed analytics and benchmarking data, helping organizations continuously evolve their programs.

The CSM works with your team to unearth valuable insights and make critical adjustments to drive continued success. We share new ideas to evolve the program to meet future needs.

Additional Services

Pilot Program

Geben Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern zwischen den Gehaltszyklen Zugriff auf ihr verdientes Gehalt, ohne Ihre Gehaltsabrechnung zu unterbrechen. Mit Empuls können Mitarbeiter ihr Gehalt in Echtzeit vor dem Zahltag verfolgen und abrufen.

Rapid Deployment: Quickly deploy Empuls to a specific team or department.

Custom Configuration: Configure the platform to match your organization's unique needs and workflows.

Data Migration: Seamlessly migrate relevant employee data and historical recognition data.

Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure smooth adoption.

Pilot Program Implementation: Design and execute a targeted pilot program to measure results and ROI.

Our dedicated team will work closely with you to ensure the POC is a success and delivers tangible results.

Strategic Consulting

Partnering with leading consulting firms, Empuls offers a suite of comprehensive consulting services to help you optimize your employee experience. From designing effective reward and recognition programs to conducting in-depth employee surveys and analyzing data, our experts will guide you every step of the way. Our consulting services include:

Program Design: Creating tailored programs to drive engagement and performance.

Survey Design and Analysis: Gaining actionable insights from employee feedback.

Data-Driven Action Planning: Developing data-backed strategies to improve employee experience.

Focus Group Facilitation: Uncovering deeper insights through focused discussions.

By leveraging the expertise of our partners and the power of Empuls, you can transform your workplace culture and achieve sustainable business results.

Useful Resources

Program Framework & Elements

Explore our comprehensive guide covering every element of your recognition and reward program framework, from program names to award names, types of recognition and awards, and more. It’s a go-to resource for our onboarding and implementation experts.

Get it for FREE

Data-backed approach to R&R

Our latest Employee Recognition & Rewards (R&R) Trends 2024 Report dives into data from 4,087 companies worldwide, offering insights into how changing work dynamics reshape R&R strategies. Discover how organizations of all sizes innovate to enhance engagement and tackle new challenges.

Get it for FREE

Sample Implementation Plan & Timelines

Our comprehensive implementation plan helps you understand how we streamline your journey to a successful onboarding of your reward program on the Empuls platform. This plan outlines the key steps involved in the implementation process.

Get it for FREE

Launch & Communication Kits

Our comprehensive kit provides you with all the tools to successfully launch Empuls within your organization. It includes communication templates, a launch checklist, marketing collateral, and best practices. Leverage these resources to create an impactful launch and drives employee adoption.

Get it for FREE

Unsere Kunden lieben uns

"Nahtlos, einfach zu navigieren und sehr benutzerfreundlich"
"Wir nutzen Empuls für unsere Initiativen zum Mitarbeiterengagement und haben unser US-Team erfolgreich dazu ermutigt, es für Anerkennung und Belohnung (R&R) einzusetzen. Mit über 3.000 Mitarbeitern arbeiten wir alle aktiv mit der Plattform. Das Produkt ist nahtlos, einfach zu navigieren und sehr benutzerfreundlich."
Leitender Direktor und Leiter
HR, Illumifin
Max Lebensversicherung
Max Lebensversicherung
"Unser Anerkennungsprogramm für Mitarbeiter hat sich wirklich verbessert.
Der Erfolg unseres ersten Star of the Quarter-Zyklus auf Empuls wurde durch die proaktiven Beiträge Ihres Teams zur Systembereitschaft ermöglicht. Ihre Unterstützung hat unser Mitarbeiteranerkennungsprogramm wirklich aufgewertet. Vielen Dank, dass Sie Empuls zu einem unschätzbaren Wert für uns gemacht haben.
Sumana Ananth
Manager für Personalanalytik
Engel Eins
Engel Eins
"Außergewöhnlich reibungsloser Einführungsprozess"
Empuls ist jetzt als Angelverse live. Der Start war ein außergewöhnlich reibungsloser Prozess. Wir freuen uns, dass wir Empuls entdeckt haben. Wir freuen uns auf eine weiterhin erfolgreiche Reise und bedanken uns dafür, dass Angelverse Wirklichkeit geworden ist!
Ashveen Kaur
Manager für Personalanalytik
"Ein Wendepunkt bei der Förderung einer positiven Arbeitskultur"
Empuls ist nicht nur eine hervorragende Plattform für Mitarbeiterbelohnungen, sondern hat sich auch als entscheidender Faktor für die Förderung einer positiven Arbeitskultur erwiesen. Die innovativen Funktionen des Produkts haben wesentlich dazu beigetragen, das Engagement und die Anerkennungsinitiativen unserer Mitarbeiter zu verbessern.
Saloni Rakyan
Executive für Mitarbeitererfahrung
Thryve Digital
Thryve Digital
"Ein echter Mehrwert für Initiativen zur Mitarbeiterbelohnung".
Wenn wir auf unsere Reise mit Empuls zurückblicken, war die Unterstützung und Anleitung durch Empuls von Anfang an von unschätzbarem Wert. Das Team von Empuls hat bei jedem Schritt dieser Reise den Unterschied ausgemacht. Empuls ist ein echter Mehrwert für die Mitarbeiterbelohnungsinitiativen von Thryve!
Leena Pujari
Beigeordneter Direktor - Menschen
"Ein wunderbares Instrument, um Teamzusammenhalt zu schätzen und zu stärken"
Das Portal Empuls hat sich als wunderbares Instrument erwiesen, um die Teamzusammengehörigkeit in unserem Unternehmen zu würdigen und zu stärken, insbesondere im Rahmen des hybriden Arbeitsmodells. Die Einfachheit der Wertschätzung durch Kollegen und Vorgesetzte hat die Anerkennung bemerkenswert bequem gemacht. Empuls ist zu einem integralen Bestandteil unseres F&R-Programms geworden.
Bindhu John
Chief Happiness Officer & Büro des Gründers
"Eine fesselnde Erfahrung"
Bei Techwave hat sich Empuls als mehr als nur eine Plattform erwiesen; es ist eine ansprechende Erfahrung. Der Übergang von einem manuellen Prozess zu einem automatisierten Programm mit Empuls verlief viel reibungsloser als bei den meisten bekannten Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Insgesamt erhält Techwave eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung!
Angela Paulmony
ITC Infotech
ITC Infotech
"Empuls bietet Ihnen mehr als nur ein HR-Tech-Tool".
Wir haben unsere "I Rewards"-Plattform über Empuls eingeführt - ein wichtiges Projekt für ITC Infotech. Die Einblicke und die Beratung durch das Team haben dafür gesorgt, dass ein sinnvolles Belohnungs- und Anerkennungsinstrument geschaffen wurde, das bei unserer Belegschaft Anklang findet. Insgesamt bietet Empuls mehr als nur ein technisches HR-Tool - das Team ist ein proaktiver Teil der gesamten Initiative.
Neeraj CM
Business HR - ADM
"Hut ab vor der bemerkenswerten Anpassungsfähigkeit des Teams"
Die Funktionen der Plattform waren genau das, was wir brauchten, um die Belohnungen und das Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter zu steigern. Außerdem konnte sie auf der Grundlage unserer Anforderungen angepasst werden, was eine große Erleichterung war! Ein großes Lob an das Team für seine bemerkenswerte Anpassungsfähigkeit, die schnellen Reaktionszeiten und die sorgfältige Bearbeitung unserer Anfragen.
Akhila Kumar
Senior Executive Personalwesen
"Es ist so einfach, Umfragen zu starten und Feedback von unseren Mitarbeitern zu erhalten".
Rishabs unerschütterliche Unterstützung, seine Reaktionsschnelligkeit und seine Bereitschaft, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen, haben die Zusammenarbeit mit Empuls zu einem Vergnügen gemacht. Die Einführung von Empuls hat es so einfach gemacht, Umfragen zu starten und Feedback von unseren Mitarbeitern zu erhalten. Ich würde es auf jeden Fall empfehlen.
Arya Pillai
Business HR
"Empuls UI und Schnittstelle sind erstaunlich und benutzerfreundlich"
Das Empuls UI und die Schnittstelle sind erstaunlich und benutzerfreundlich, und das Team war unglaublich hilfreich bei der nahtlosen Einführung und Anpassung des gesamten Prozesses für TaskUs. Von der Recherche bis zu den Berichten ist alles Empuls.
Apurv Khatri
People First Advocate
"Empuls hat eine solide Grundlage mit allen Funktionen"
Ich schätze die Verfügbarkeit von hilfreichen Kontakten, Leitfäden und Echtzeit-Support durch das Team von Empuls . Insgesamt bietet Empuls eine solide Grundlage mit allen Funktionen und Ressourcen, die Sie benötigen, um das Mitarbeiterengagement in Ihrem Unternehmen in Gang zu bringen.
Danamaisie Carmona
"Die Beratung bei jedem Schritt des Prozesses war von unschätzbarem Wert".
Wir haben Empuls integriert, um unser Belohnungs- und Anerkennungsprogramm zu digitalisieren. Die Anleitung des Teams bei jedem Schritt des Prozesses war von unschätzbarem Wert und sorgte für einen nahtlosen und produktiven Übergang für uns bei ACKO. Die Umstellung auf Empuls ist noch nicht lange her, aber wir haben bereits ein großartiges Feedback erhalten, und unsere Erwartungen sind hoch!
Anish Choudhary
Manager - Kultur und Kommunikation
"Empuls um eine gute Benutzererfahrung für unsere Betreuer zu schaffen"
Es hat uns Spaß gemacht, zusammenzuarbeiten und mit Empuls die bestmöglichen Lösungen zu finden, um ein gutes Benutzererlebnis für unsere Pflegekräfte zu schaffen. Ich freue mich auf unsere Partnerschaft, wenn wir weitere Funktionen in Betrieb nehmen, die die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessern.
Aparna Madireddi
Leiter des Bereichs Mitarbeitererfahrung
Golf Taleed
Golf Taleed
"Spürbare positive Auswirkungen auf Moral, Motivation und Kultur"
Für uns war es wichtig, unseren Mitarbeitern zuzuhören, die Beziehung zu ihnen zu stärken, eine Anerkennungskultur zu schaffen und den Raum für das Engagement der Mitarbeiter zu optimieren, um unsere besten Talente vor Ort zu halten. Empuls hat sich spürbar positiv auf die Arbeitsmoral, die Motivation, das Engagement und die Kultur ausgewirkt.
Georges Chalouhi
Geschäftsführender Manager


What expertise and support do the professional services team provide during program design?

The professional services team provides comprehensive support by bringing deep HR business and technology expertise and ensuring employee experience and engagement via your program. We work closely with clients to determine desired outcomes by partnering on all client needs and providing ongoing guidance to ensure your programs consistently deliver results.

How are programs customized for each organization?

Programs are tailored through a thorough process that includes multiple rounds of research, stakeholder interviews, custom configurations, training programs, focus on unique company culture and values, expert strategy development, co-creation of initiatives with clients, and careful attention to deployment requirements.

How do you ensure programs reflect current industry best practices?

We ensure programs stay current and effective through collaboration with leading industry experts, validation from existing customers, integration of future of work trends, consideration of emerging workplace challenges, and focus on key areas like health & wellness, team dynamics, organizational culture, hybrid work, and the company’s mission and vision.

How do you ensure programs are designed for long-term success?

Our focus is on creating robust, adaptable programs that deliver consistent value while evolving with your organization's needs and culture. We achieve long-term program success by:

Finding and elevating the best aspects of organizational culture
Building sustainable everyday employee experiences
Creating programs that can evolve with the organization
Implementing proven methodologies
Providing ongoing professional support
Regular program assessment and optimization
 Maintaining alignment with company values and objectives

What does the implementation team structure look like and how do they support program success?

Each member in our specialized implementation team plays a significant role in ensuring the program is implemented on time, properly maintained, and continuously improved. Ourteam includes:

• Project Manager for overall program guidance

• Technical Architect for system integration

• Implementation Specialist for platform setup

• Product Designer for user experience

• Communication Expert for change management

How is the platform configured to match company-specific needs?

The platform configuration process includes detailed assessment of company requirements, custom configuration of program workflows, reporting systems, integration points, and enhancement features, multiple system walkthroughs for verification, iterative refinement based on feedback, testing to ensure alignment with needs, and configuration validation at each step.

How are system integrations handled during implementation?

System integrations are managed through certified and verified integration processes, such as native integrations with HRMS systems, standardized connectivity without costly middleware, data migration support when required, multiple levels of testing, direct connections to productivity tools, quality assurance throughout integration, and validation of data flow and accuracy.

How is branding incorporated into the implementation process?

We incorporate your brand elements using the following customization options in the platform:

• Program settings: Replicate your program framework on Empuls with options to add your Program Name, Points Name, Time Zone, Language, Currency, Conversion Factor, Cost of Living Index, Home Page, and Feed Post Style.

• Branding: Showcase your company’s branding to make the platform truly yours with options for adding the Program Logo, Login Page Background, Favicon, and Bot Avatar & Profile.

• Feed card background: Customize cards for posts on Birthdays, Service Anniversaries, Welcoming New Joinees, and Leaderboard Winners.• Banners: Customize banners for the Birthday Wish Board, Service Anniversary Wish Board, New Employee Welcome Wish Board, Wall of Fame, and Profile Page.

• Platform theme: Customize the platform theme using options such as Light or Dark Interface Options, Platform Color Theme, Choice of UI Widgets, Color of Icons in the LHS Menu, and Feed Header Image.

What verification processes ensure successful implementation?

Our implementation services ensure a smooth transition to the new platform while maintaining business continuity and user engagement throughout the process. Implementation success is verified through:

• Multiple system walkthroughs

• Comprehensive testing at each stage

• User acceptance testing

• Integration validation

• Performance monitoring

• Configuration checks

• Functionality testing

• User experience validation

• Stakeholder sign-off processes

How does the platform support change management and communication during launch?

The platform provides comprehensive change management support through well-defined yet flexible adoption plans, clear communication strategies, customized launch schedules, audience alignment guidance, creative assets for internal communications, and structured rollout frameworks.

What training and support are provided for program champions?

Training and support include comprehensive admin training, people manager training, stakeholder education programs, custom user guides, admin documentation, role-specific training materials, hands-on platform guidance, change management best practices, and ongoing learning resources.

 What specific training resources and materials are provided during launch?

Empuls provides comprehensive training resources that include role-specific training (for admins, people managers, end users, and champions), documentation (user guides, admin manuals, how-to videos, and FAQs), launch materials (communication templates, launch campaign kits, and engagement calendars), and self-service resources (online help center, video tutorials, and interactive training modules).

What does the launch support process look like?

The launch support process includes:

• Pre-launch phase: Program design finalization, configuration testing, communication strategy development, stakeholder alignment, and training schedule setup.

• Launch phase: Phased or full rollout support, hypercare period (30-45 days), intensive support coverage, real-time issue resolution, and daily monitoring.

• Post-launch support: Program adoption tracking, usage analytics review, performance monitoring, feedback collection, and optimization recommendations.

• Ongoing assistance: Regular check-ins, program health monitoring, success metrics tracking, continuous improvement support, and best practice updates.

How is 24/5 support delivered and what channels are available?

24/5 support is delivered through multiple channels, such as a live customer support team, chatbot assistance, email support, built-in ticketing system, self-service online help center, mobile app support, real-time issue tracking, and immediate response for critical issues.

How does the built-in ticketing system work and what visibility do administrators have?

The built-in ticketing system provides case creation and tracking within the platform, email-based ticket submission, full SLA transparency, real-time status updates, admin oversight of all cases, issue resolution tracking, performance metrics, response time monitoring, and comprehensive case history.

How are support SLAs tracked and maintained?

Support SLA management includes continuous monitoring of open issues, transparent resolution timelines, regular SLA compliance reporting, priority-based response times, escalation procedures, performance tracking, and continuous improvement processes. Our support services are designed to provide comprehensive assistance while maintaining transparency and accountability through robust tracking and reporting mechanisms.

How is program effectiveness measured and evaluated?

Program effectiveness is tracked by the CSM through platform utilization analytics, customer sentiment measurements, engagement tracking, dashboards and real-time usage statistics, adoption rate monitoring, and ROI measurements.

What ongoing optimization support is provided?

Ongoing optimization includes regular reviews with the CSM, data-driven adjustment recommendations, program evolution guidance, future needs assessment, performance optimization, user feedback integration, continuous improvement suggestions, trend analysis and updates, walkthrough of new features, and best practice implementation.

How do you ensure sustained program adoption?

Sustained program adoption is achieved through regular program health checks, continuous stakeholder engagement, periodic training refreshers, usage analytics monitoring, targeted communication campaigns, success story sharing, champion support, adoption barrier identification and removal, and regular program updates and enhancements.