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Das Empuls Glossar

Glossar der Begriffe des Personalmanagements und der Sozialleistungen für Arbeitnehmer

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Employee exit refers to the process when an employee leaves their current employment, either voluntarily or involuntarily. It involves various procedures and considerations to ensure a smooth transition for both the departing employee and the organization.

Employee exits can occur due to resignation, retirement, termination, or other reasons, and it is important for employers to handle the process professionally and effectively.

What is an employee exit?

The formal process when an employee leaves a company, involving resignation, retirement, or termination, with associated procedures such as exit interviews and paperwork.

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What are the common reasons for an employee to leave their job?

Common reasons for employee turnover:

  • Lack of career advancement: Employees may leave if they feel there are limited opportunities for career growth or advancement within the organization.
  • Poor management: Ineffective or unsupportive management can contribute significantly to employee dissatisfaction and turnover.
  • Unsatisfactory work-life balance: A lack of balance between work and personal life can lead to burnout, causing employees to seek better alternatives.
  • Inadequate compensation: Salary and benefits that are perceived as insufficient or not competitive with the industry can drive employees away.
  • Job dissatisfaction: If employees find their roles unfulfilling, uninteresting, or not aligned with their skills and interests, they may decide to leave.
  • Lack of recognition: Employees who feel their efforts are not acknowledged or rewarded may become demotivated and eventually leave.
  • Poor workplace culture: A toxic work environment, lack of diversity and inclusion, or interpersonal conflicts can contribute to employee dissatisfaction.
  • Personal reasons: Life changes, such as relocation, family issues, or health concerns, can prompt employees to leave.

What steps should employers follow when an employee leaves the organization?

Steps employers should follow when an employee leaves:

  • Notification: Notify relevant stakeholders about the employee's departure.
  • Exit interview: Conduct an exit interview to gather feedback and insights from the departing employee.
  • Transfer of responsibilities: Plan and execute a smooth transition of the departing employee's responsibilities.
  • Documentation: Complete any necessary paperwork, including the final paycheck, benefits, and legal documentation.
  • Communication to the team: Communicate the departure appropriately to the team, maintaining transparency while respecting confidentiality.
  • Knowledge transfer: Ensure that critical knowledge and information are transferred to other team members.

Was ist ein Entlassungsgespräch?

An exit interview is a structured conversation with a departing employee to understand their experiences, reasons for leaving, and feedback on the organization.

What is the notice period?

The notice period is the duration between when an employee announces their intention to leave and their actual departure.

Why is an exit interview important?

An exit interview is important because:

  • Feedback for improvement: Provides valuable insights into organizational strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Employee retention insights: Helps identify patterns and issues that may contribute to future turnover, enabling proactive measures.
  • Closure for the employee: Offers employees a chance to express their thoughts, contributing to a sense of closure.
  • Enhances employer brand: Demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and a positive workplace culture.

How should employers handle the transfer of responsibilities when an employee exits?

Handling the transfer of responsibilities:

  • Identify key responsibilities: Clearly outline the departing employee's key duties and responsibilities.
  • Select a successor or interim replacement: Identify someone to take on the responsibilities temporarily or permanently.
  • Provide training: Ensure the successor receives adequate training and support to fulfill the role effectively.
  • Document processes: Document key processes and workflows to aid in the knowledge transfer process.

How does notice period work during an employee's exit?

Notice period functions include:

  • Transition time: Allows for a smooth transition by giving the employer time to prepare for the employee's departure.
  • Knowledge transfer: Provides an opportunity for the departing employee to transfer knowledge and assist in the transition.
  • Search for replacement: Gives the employer time to search for and hire a suitable replacement.
  • Maintaining workflow: Helps in maintaining workflow and preventing disruptions during the transition.
  • Legal compliance: Ensures compliance with contractual obligations and employment laws regarding notice periods.

Umfragen zum Puls der Mitarbeiter:

Es handelt sich um kurze Umfragen, die häufig verschickt werden können, um schnell zu erfahren, was Ihre Mitarbeiter über ein Thema denken. Die Umfrage umfasst weniger Fragen (nicht mehr als 10), um die Informationen schnell zu erhalten. Sie können in regelmäßigen Abständen durchgeführt werden (monatlich/wöchentlich/vierteljährlich).

Treffen unter vier Augen:

Regelmäßige, einstündige Treffen für ein informelles Gespräch mit jedem Teammitglied sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, ein echtes Gefühl dafür zu bekommen, was mit ihnen passiert. Da es sich um ein sicheres und privates Gespräch handelt, können Sie so mehr Details über ein Problem erfahren.


Der eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) ist eine der einfachsten, aber effektivsten Methoden, um die Meinung Ihrer Mitarbeiter über Ihr Unternehmen zu ermitteln. Er enthält eine interessante Frage, die die Loyalität misst. Ein Beispiel für eNPS-Fragen sind: Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass Sie unser Unternehmen weiter empfehlen? Die Mitarbeiter beantworten die eNPS-Umfrage auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wobei 10 bedeutet, dass sie das Unternehmen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit weiterempfehlen würden, und 1 bedeutet, dass sie es mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht weiterempfehlen würden.

Anhand der Antworten können die Arbeitnehmer in drei verschiedene Kategorien eingeteilt werden:

  • Projektträger
    Mitarbeiter, die positiv geantwortet oder zugestimmt haben.
  • Kritiker
    Mitarbeiter, die sich negativ geäußert haben oder nicht einverstanden waren.
  • Passive
    Mitarbeiter, die sich bei ihren Antworten neutral verhalten haben.

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