✨ Jangan ketinggalan! Daftar untuk Webinar Penghargaan Pekerja kami yang dijadualkan pada 29 Februari. 🎖️
✨ Jangan ketinggalan! Daftar untuk Webinar Penghargaan Pekerja kami yang dijadualkan pada 29 Februari. 🎖️

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Webinar Langsung: Rahsia Membina Roda Tenaga Pertumbuhan B2B2C yang Berjaya
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The Empuls Glosari

Terma Glosari Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dan Manfaat Pekerja

Lawati Glosari Sumber Manusia

Apakah program anugerah pekerja?

Program anugerah pekerja adalah inisiatif yang dilaksanakan oleh majikan untuk mengiktiraf dan memberi penghargaan kepada pekerja atas pencapaian, sumbangan, pencapaian dan tingkah laku mereka. Program-program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan semangat pekerja, motivasi, penglibatan, dan kepuasan kerja secara keseluruhan.

Apakah beberapa program anugerah pekerja biasa?  

Some common employee award programs are:

  • Structured recognition programs: These programs involve formal recognition and rewards given by the company or managers. Examples include Employee of the Month, Employee of the Year, or awards for years of service. Structured awards carry weight and provide employees with a sense of validation for their hard work  
  • Peer-to-peer recognition: This type of program encourages employees to recognize and appreciate their colleagues' efforts and achievements. It fosters a positive work culture and builds camaraderie among team members. Peer recognition can be done through informal gestures, such as high-fives, thank-you notes, or public praise.
  • Informal recognition programs: These programs focus on informal and spontaneous recognition. They can include celebrations, team outings, potlucks, or small tokens of appreciation. Informal recognition helps create a positive work environment and boosts team spirit.
  • Monetary awards and incentives: Some employee recognition programs include monetary rewards, such as bonuses, pay increases, or gift cards. These incentives can motivate employees and provide tangible recognition for their achievements  
  • Promotions and advancement opportunities: Recognizing employees through promotions or providing opportunities for career growth is a powerful form of recognition. It acknowledges their skills, contributions, and potential for future success.
  • Public recognition: Publicly acknowledging employees' achievements and contributions can have a significant impact. This can be done through company-wide announcements, newsletters, or recognition events. Public recognition helps create a positive company culture and reinforces desired behaviors  
  • Pengiktirafan peribadi: Pengiktirafan swasta melibatkan penghargaan dan pengiktirafan satu-satu antara pengurus dan pekerja. Ia boleh dalam bentuk nota terima kasih peribadi, mesyuarat peribadi, atau maklum balas individu. Pengiktirafan swasta menunjukkan kepada pekerja bahawa usaha mereka dihargai dan diiktiraf.
Dengar, kenali, anugerahkan dan kekalkan pekerja anda dengan perisian penglibatan Pekerja kami  

Apakah faedah program anugerah pekerja?  

Program anugerah pekerja menawarkan beberapa faedah kepada kedua-dua pekerja dan organisasi. Berikut adalah beberapa faedah utama:

  • Increased employee morale and motivation: Employee award programs recognize and appreciate employees' efforts, making them feel valued and motivated. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, morale, and a sense of pride in their work.
  • Improved employee engagement: Recognizing employees for their achievements and contributions fosters a positive work environment and encourages higher levels of engagement. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive, committed, and loyal to the organization.
  • Enhanced retention and reduced turnover: Employee recognition programs can contribute to higher employee retention rates. When employees feel appreciated and rewarded, they are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new employees.
  • Boosted team spirit and collaboration: Recognizing employees' accomplishments can strengthen team dynamics and promote a collaborative work culture. It encourages teamwork, cooperation, and a sense of camaraderie among employees.
  • Increased productivity and performance: Recognized employees tend to be more motivated and engaged, leading to increased productivity and improved performance. When employees feel valued, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their work.
  • Positive impact on organizational culture: Employee award programs contribute to a positive organizational culture by promoting a culture of appreciation, recognition, and celebration of achievements. This can have a ripple effect, influencing the overall work environment and employee interactions.
  • Attraction of top talent: Organizations with robust employee recognition programs are often seen as desirable employers. Such programs can help attract and retain top talent, as job seekers are more likely to be drawn to companies that prioritize employee recognition and appreciation.
  • Penjajaran dengan nilai organisasi: Program anugerah pekerja boleh mengukuhkan dan sejajar dengan nilai teras organisasi. Mengiktiraf pekerja yang merangkumi nilai-nilai ini membantu mengukuhkan tingkah laku dan budaya yang diingini dalam syarikat.

Employee recognition & rewards trends report

Bagaimana untuk membina program anugerah pekerja yang berkesan?

Untuk membina program anugerah pekerja yang berkesan, pertimbangkan langkah-langkah berikut:

  • Clearly define the purpose: Define the purpose of the program and the objectives you want to achieve. Determine what behaviors, achievements, or milestones you want to recognize and reward.
  • Choose recognition methods: Select a variety of recognition methods that align with your organization's culture and values. These can include verbal or written praise, points-based recognition, employee awards, peer recognition, or monetary incentives.
  • Ensure timely and personalized recognition: Make sure that recognition is timely, specific, and personalized to each recipient. Avoid generic compliments and focus on acknowledging individual contributions and achievements.
  • Involve leadership and managers: Leadership and managers should actively participate in the program and lead by example. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate employees regularly. Their involvement helps create a culture of recognition throughout the organization.
  • Communicate and train: Introduce the program to employees and provide training on how to participate and give recognition. Regularly remind employees to recognize their colleagues and celebrate achievements.
  • Make it easy to use: Ensure that the program is user-friendly and easily accessible to employees. Consider using recognition software or platforms that simplify the process and allow employees to give and receive recognition seamlessly.
  • Tailor the program to your organization: Customize the program to fit your organization's unique needs, values, and culture. Consider incorporating elements that reflect your company's identity and align with employee preferences.
  • Measure and evaluate: Establish metrics to measure the impact and effectiveness of the program. Collect feedback from employees to understand their experience and make improvements as needed.
  • Celebrate achievements: Organize regular award ceremonies or events to publicly recognize and celebrate employee achievements. This helps create a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Perbaiki secara berterusan: Sentiasa mengkaji dan memperhalusi program berdasarkan maklum balas, penglibatan pekerja, dan perubahan keperluan organisasi. Tetap terbuka kepada idea-idea baru dan menyesuaikan program untuk memastikan keberkesanannya yang berterusan.  

Mengapa program anugerah pekerja penting?  

Program anugerah pekerja adalah penting kerana beberapa sebab:

  • Increased motivation and job satisfaction: Employee award programs provide recognition and appreciation for employees' efforts and achievements. This sense of gratification and validation motivates employees to perform at their best and enhances their job satisfaction.
  • Improved employee engagement: Recognition and rewards contribute to higher levels of employee engagement. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be committed, dedicated, and actively involved in their work.  
  • Enhanced retention and reduced turnover: Employee recognition programs can help improve employee retention rates. Recognized employees are more likely to feel a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization, reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new employees.  
  • Positive company culture: Employee award programs foster a positive company culture by promoting appreciation, recognition, and celebration of achievements. This creates a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.
  • Increased productivity and performance: Recognized employees tend to be more motivated, engaged, and productive. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their work, leading to improved performance and productivity.  
  • Attraction of top talent: Organizations with effective employee award programs are often seen as desirable employers. Such programs can help attract and retain top talent, as job seekers are drawn to companies that prioritize employee recognition and appreciation.
  • Kesan positif terhadap reputasi syarikat: Program anugerah pekerja yang dilaksanakan dengan baik dapat meningkatkan reputasi syarikat sebagai majikan pilihan. Reputasi positif ini boleh menarik pelanggan, rakan kongsi, dan bakal pekerja, menyumbang kepada kejayaan keseluruhan organisasi.

Apakah beberapa idea program anugerah pekerja yang berguna?  

Berikut adalah beberapa idea program anugerah pekerja yang boleh anda pertimbangkan:

  • Employee of the month/quarter/year: Recognize outstanding employees who consistently demonstrate exceptional performance, leadership, or contributions.
  • Innovation award: Acknowledge employees who come up with creative solutions, innovative ideas, or process improvements that positively impact the organization.
  • Rising star award: Recognize emerging talents or employees who show accelerated growth, learning, and potential for future leadership roles.
  • Teamwork award: Highlight individuals or teams that excel in collaboration, cooperation, and fostering a positive team environment.
  • Customer service excellence award: Recognize employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service and go above and beyond to meet customer needs.
  • Milestone achievement award: Celebrate employees who reach significant milestones, such as years of service, completing a major project, or achieving specific goals.
  • Leadership award: Recognize employees who demonstrate strong leadership qualities, inspire others, and contribute to the growth and success of the organization.
  • Wellness champion award: Acknowledge employees who actively promote and participate in wellness initiatives, encouraging a healthy lifestyle among their colleagues.
  • Anugerah khidmat masyarakat: Mengiktiraf pekerja yang memberi impak positif di luar kerja melalui kerja sukarela atau penglibatan masyarakat.

Tinjauan nadi pekerja:

Ini ialah tinjauan ringkas yang boleh dihantar dengan kerap untuk menyemak pendapat pekerja anda tentang sesuatu isu dengan cepat. Tinjauan ini terdiri daripada kurang soalan (tidak lebih daripada 10) untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan cepat. Ini boleh ditadbir secara berkala (bulanan / mingguan / suku tahunan).

Mesyuarat satu lawan satu:

Mengadakan mesyuarat berkala selama sejam untuk sembang tidak formal dengan setiap ahli pasukan adalah cara terbaik untuk memahami apa yang berlaku dengan mereka. Oleh kerana ia adalah perbualan yang selamat dan peribadi, ia membantu anda mendapatkan butiran yang lebih baik mengenai sesuatu isu.


eNPS (pekerja skor Net Promoter) adalah salah satu cara yang paling mudah tetapi berkesan untuk menilai pendapat pekerja anda terhadap syarikat anda. Ia termasuk satu soalan menarik yang mengukur kesetiaan. Contoh soalan eNPS termasuk: Bagaimana kemungkinan anda mengesyorkan syarikat kami kepada orang lain? Pekerja bertindak balas terhadap kaji selidik eNPS pada skala 1-10, di mana 10 menandakan mereka 'berkemungkinan besar' untuk mengesyorkan syarikat dan 1 menandakan mereka 'sangat tidak mungkin' untuk mengesyorkannya.

Berdasarkan respons, pekerja boleh diletakkan dalam tiga kategori berbeza:

  • Promoter
    Pekerja yang telah memberi respons positif atau bersetuju.
  • Pengkritik
    Pekerja yang telah bertindak balas secara negatif atau tidak bersetuju.
  • Pasif
    Pekerja yang kekal neutral dengan jawapan mereka.

Pautan Pantas

Penyelesaian Penglibatan Pekerja

Diiktiraf oleh pakar pasaran