The Only Remote Working Guide You’ll Need in 2021

Remote & Hybrid Work
Remote working guide for 2021
Unleash the true meaning of an engaged remote workforce. Now that the world refrains from computer screens, this is the guide to walk you through remote working success all throughout the year.

If the terrible 2020 were to end an era, it would be the water-cooler management method. Our dreams for the future of work have become quite basic as we aim to recreate those same connections in our virtual work environment. We’re dying to improve employee experience, happiness and well-being, regardless of whether your organization is fully digital or hybrid.

Post 2020, workplaces could become workspaces, and water-cooler chit-chats, virtual coffees. The work from home acronym, WFH, is now mainstream, and the most repeated 2020 sentence was: “I think you’re on mute” or “I can’t hear you.”

The learning curve for Zoom, or all team communication tools, Slack or Microsoft Teams peaked, making a headset the new “must-have” replacing old workspace attributes such as fancy shoes, makeup, ties, or work-attire.

However, what are your plans to improve employee happiness in 2021?

Let us help you here with a few tips.

We’ll go through the dos and don’ts of remote management and how you can hone your new skill set for the best virtual leadership. 

Here is what you’ll learn in this guide:

  • The impact of the sudden shift to remote working
  • How resilience matters while working remotely
  • Common attributes of incredibly resilient people
  • How to lead with intentions, and not avoid hard things
  • Best WFH formula to keep up your team motivation
  • Best-practices to connect your people remotely
  • How Empulse can help you foster the best experience for everyone
