Empuls + Integrasi HRMS untuk keterlibatan tanpa batas

Integrasikan Empuls dengan HRMS Anda untuk memastikan setiap karyawan dalam sistem pencatatan Anda merupakan bagian dari inisiatif sumber daya manusia Anda, mulai dari pengakuan dan penghargaan hingga fasilitas & tunjangan, komunikasi, mendengarkan dan umpan balik.


Empuls & HRMS paling cocok untuk satu sama lain

Keduanya merupakan komponen penting dari ekosistem Teknologi SDM yang membantu Anda menjalankan strategi pengalaman karyawan.


Platform lengkap untuk mengelola inisiatif keterlibatan

Menawarkan data dinamis tentang budaya, pengalaman, dan keterlibatan

Kemampuan untuk pengakuan, penghargaan, tunjangan & manfaat, survei, intranet sosial, dan kelompok komunitas


Sistem pencatatan inti untuk informasi keuangan dan operasional

Menyimpan data statis tentang karyawan, penggajian, dan infrastruktur dasar

Kemampuan untuk mengelola penggajian, kehadiran, rekrutmen, arsitektur pekerjaan, dan pengembangan bakat

Manfaat & ROI

Optimalkan ROI dari HRTech Anda

Dapatkan hasil maksimal dari investasi Anda di HRMS dan Empuls karena keduanya sangat kuat!

Bagaimana cara kerjanya

Metode Integrasi DIY & Kustom

Memanfaatkan pendekatan API atau SFTP untuk mengintegrasikan Empuls dengan HRMS Anda

DIY untuk Perusahaan Kecil & Menengah

Perusahaan kecil dan menengah bisa memulai dengan pendekatan DIY yang cepat dan mudah untuk mengintegrasikan Empuls dengan HRMS Anda.

Integrasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menarik beberapa titik data dari HRMS Anda ke dalam Empuls, seperti Nama, ID Email, ID Karyawan, Tanggal Bergabung, Tanggal Keluar, Tanggal Lahir, Nomor Kontak, Peruntukan, Lokasi, Manajer Pelaporan, Departemen, Kepala Departemen, Unit Bisnis, Status Karyawan, Grade, Pusat Biaya, dan banyak lagi.

Integrasi Khusus untuk Perusahaan

Perusahaan dengan tim yang lebih besar, tersebar di berbagai lokasi, memiliki proses dan data yang kompleks, mungkin memerlukan pendekatan integrasi khusus.

Para ahli kami akan dengan senang hati terhubung dan bekerja sama dengan tim SDM dan TI Anda untuk memahami kebutuhan Anda dan menyiapkan integrasi, yang mungkin memakan waktu hingga maksimal 7 hari kerja.

Jadwalkan pertemuan dengan para ahli kami untuk mendiskusikan kebutuhan unik Anda.

DIY untuk Perusahaan Kecil & Menengah

DIY untuk Perusahaan Kecil & Menengah

Perusahaan kecil dan menengah bisa memulai dengan pendekatan DIY yang cepat dan mudah untuk mengintegrasikan Empuls dengan HRMS Anda.

Integrasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menarik beberapa titik data dari HRMS Anda ke dalam Empuls, seperti Nama, ID Email, ID Karyawan, Tanggal Bergabung, Tanggal Keluar, Tanggal Lahir, Nomor Kontak, Peruntukan, Lokasi, Manajer Pelaporan, Departemen, Kepala Departemen, Unit Bisnis, Status Karyawan, Grade, Pusat Biaya, dan banyak lagi.

Integrasi Khusus untuk Perusahaan

Integrasi Khusus untuk Perusahaan

Perusahaan dengan tim yang lebih besar, tersebar di berbagai lokasi, memiliki proses dan data yang kompleks, mungkin memerlukan pendekatan integrasi khusus.

Para ahli kami akan dengan senang hati terhubung dan bekerja sama dengan tim SDM dan TI Anda untuk memahami kebutuhan Anda dan menyiapkan integrasi, yang mungkin memakan waktu hingga maksimal 7 hari kerja.

Jadwalkan pertemuan dengan para ahli kami untuk mendiskusikan kebutuhan unik Anda.

Mitra HRMS

Ekosistem integrasi HRMS yang terus berkembang

Kami terus menambahkan integrasi baru karena kami percaya bahwa sangat penting untuk menanamkan program keterlibatan, pengakuan, dan kesejahteraan Anda ke dalam alur kerja melalui alat kerja favorit Anda. Ini juga merupakan cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan nilai investasi teknologi Anda.
Tidak dapat menemukan HRMS Anda?
Bicaralah dengan ahli

AI-led Holistic Employee Engagement Platform

We believe that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work as every company has a unique workplace culture. Empuls can be customized to optimally meet your business needs for implementing your recognition, rewards, perks, benefits, communication, and feedback programs.

Intranet Sosial
Employee Profile
Community Groups
User Access Settings
AI Capabilities
Katalog Hadiah
Security & Compliance
Enterprise Capabilities

Employee Recognition Features

Deliver meaningful recognition that ignites potential.
Core Value Badges
Tie recognition with your core values by uploading custom value badges or choosing from 150+ built-in value badges. 
Peer Awards
Mengatur Pengakuan Rekan Sebaya yang dapat dikaitkan dengan hadiah dan tidak memerlukan persetujuan. 
Nomination-based Awards
Pilih alur kerja bawaan untuk mencari nominasi penghargaan dan menentukan nominator, penyetuju, dan nominator. 
Penghargaan Spot
Empower people managers to recognize team members in the moment when they deliver outstanding results. 
Penghargaan Tonggak Sejarah
Celebrate significant milestones in the employee’s journey, from onboarding to exit and everything in between, including professional and personal milestones, with milestone-based awards. 
Penghargaan Juri
Select this option for exclusive awards delivered annually or bi-annually, using a jury panel to review award nominations. 
Long Service Awards
Recognize employee loyalty with service awards that celebrate the completion of a significant tenure, such as 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 years and beyond. 
Employee Incentives
Tie company goals and KPIs with incentives, motivating employees to meet and exceed expectations, such as performance incentives, employee referral incentives, sales incentives, CSAT incentives, and more. 
Recognition & Reward Programs
Recognize employee loyalty with service awards that celebrate the completion of a significant tenure, such as 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 years and beyond. 
Reward Scheduler
Schedule rewards in advance for planned events, milestones, and holidays, such as birthdays, service anniversaries, Employee Appreciation Day, or Christmas.
Public & Private Recognition
Based on employee preference, admins can set the visibility for recognition and awards to be either public, displaying the recognition on the social news feed for org-wide visibility, or private, so it stays between the person giving recognition and the person receiving it.
Contests & Challenges
Run contests tied to rewards focused on employee well-being, such as step challenges, group hikes, daily journaling, meditation rituals, and more.
External Recognition
Boost employee morale, loyalty, motivation and engagement by enabling public recognition with Empuls. Let your customers, vendors, partners, clients or patients acknowledge your employees for their hard work using Empuls.
Rayakan ulang tahun layanan dengan buku tahunan yang dipersonalisasi yang menyoroti perjalanan, pencapaian, dan momen pengakuan karyawan sepanjang tahun.
Program Hadiah
Implement your reward program framework spanning multiple types of awards, across locations, departments, and teams on a single dashboard.
Reward Cycles
Use rewards cycles for nomination-based awards to automate start and end dates, nudge nominators and approvers, announce winners, and deliver rewards.
Wall Of Fame
Dinding digital untuk menampilkan karyawan yang merayakan pencapaian, penghargaan layanan, penghargaan kinerja, dan sering menerima pengakuan.

Employee Rewards Features

Motivate employees with rewards that deliver instant gratification.
Budget Distribution
Manage reward expenses by controlling the total points in the system. Set up automated point distribution for peer and manager budgets on a monthly, quarterly, or annual cycles. 
Redemption Wallet
Stock your redemption wallet with funds to enable seamless reward redemption by employees for reward points earned on Empuls, with our bill-on-redemption pricing model. 
Point-based rewards 
Points are the currency on Empuls. Set your reward budget on Empuls to create reward points that power your rewards, incentives, and gifting program.
QR-code based rewards 
Allow companies with deskless teams to offer QR-code based rewards for employees who do not utilize any digital device at work.
Celebrate professional and personal milestones, festivals, and holidays, welcome new employees, and bid farewell to exiting employees, with gifts and greetings that can be sent individually or in bulk.
Custom Leaderboards
Design and configure leaderboards tailored to specific needs. Define the criteria for ranking participants and set up scoring rules for the leaderboard.

Employee Perks & Discounts Offerings

Extend your employees’ paychecks by maximizing their savings.
Discounted Gift Cards
Meluncurkan program diskon korporat dengan penghematan di 30 kategori dan diskon mulai dari 5% hingga 50% untuk lebih dari 6.000 merek lokal dan internasional.
Brand Offers
Unlock exclusive corporate offers from major brands that come at special prices, and cashback, on electronics and appliances, insurance consultations, and physical and mental wellness offerings.
Exclusive Deals
Access deals on popular categories, from dining to essentials, travel and more. Our offers on top brands surpass those found on brand websites.
Earn cashback on most brands, enhancing the value of purchases made with credit cards. Stack savings by combining offers, cashback, and discounted gift cards.

Employee Benefits Offerings

Encourage employees to prioritize their well-being.
Tax-free Benefits
Disburse employee benefits with a single multi-wallet card covering tax-free meal, fuel, periodicals, and telephone allowances, to maximize their savings.
Manfaat yang disponsori perusahaan
Roll out company-sponsored benefits that reflect your company’s culture and focus on employee well-being, administered via a multi-wallet card.
Manfaat Pinggiran
Menawarkan tunjangan gaya hidup yang fleksibel kepada karyawan yang terhubung dengan Akun Pengeluaran Gaya Hidup, memberdayakan karyawan untuk memilih tunjangan yang sesuai dengan tujuan hidup mereka. 
Upah Awal 
Offer early access to earned wages to help employees tackle unplanned expenses and emergencies with a hassle-free digital withdrawal process.

Employee Survey Capabilities

Elevate the workplace EX with employee feedback and action plans.
Survei Keterlibatan
Gain insights into employee sentiments, identify areas for improvement and measure their engagement to find problems before they affect your culture.
Survei Siklus Hidup
Continuous and regular connects with employees to measure engagement levels and identify the stimuli required to improve performance, morale, and motivation at every stage in the employee lifecycle.
Survei Khusus
Editable surveys covering multiple use cases and a repository of questions to gather insights and find gaps in engagement, across any employee touchpoint.
Rencana Aksi
Close the feedback loop through acknowledgment of employee feedback and data-backed action plans. The platform helps teams identify necessary actions, assign tasks to responsible stakeholders, and track progress to ensure timely resolution.
Percakapan yang Dipersonalisasi
Gather organic feedback with AI that adapts to individual responses, uncovering deeper insights, and enabling HR teams to take prompt action.
Survey Analytics
Get a comprehensive suite of analytics and insights, that help you gauge the organization's pulse and plan actionable steps based on feedback. 

Employee Communication Features

Build trust with open communication and foster connections.
Central News Feed
Halaman balai kota memungkinkan Anda berbagi berita, membuat pengumuman, dan merayakan kemenangan serta pencapaian untuk mendorong budaya komunikasi yang terbuka. 
Social Recognition Feed
Automatically broadcast all appreciations in a social feed to amplify visibility for information and crowdsource wishes.
Broadcast company news, customer wins and policy updates. Customize the news feed as per your preferences.
Jajak Pendapat & Kuis 
Mengumpulkan opini dengan cara yang cepat. Mendorong kesadaran dan adopsi kebijakan perusahaan yang baru dan yang sudah ada.
Ask Me Anything
Buka forum untuk pertanyaan dari karyawan kepada pimpinan selama Rapat Kerja atau pertemuan penting lainnya.
Allow employees to react and engage with content using comments, likes, high-fives, GIFs, emojis, videos, images, and attachments.
Berbagi Sosial
Built-in integration with LinkedIn allows employees to showcase their recognitions on LinkedIn and share with their professional network. 
Unggah video yang menyoroti produk Anda, menampilkan aktivitas terbaru, atau menyoroti pencapaian utama.
Posting yang disematkan
Sematkan postingan ke bagian atas newsfeed untuk menampilkan pengumuman penting atau menyoroti konten terbaik Anda. 
Papan keinginan
Wishboards are used to collate greetings and wishes from peers across the org on a single board to celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, service awards, holidays, life events, retirement, and more.
Employee Directory
Employees can search for colleagues across the organization and access their contact details.
Bagan Organisasi
The organizational chart provides employees with the leadership hierarchy and view the structure of any team.
Papan Tanda Digital
Broadcast essential updates and achievements across your office, stores, or factory floors via large display screens ensuring no one misses out on important announcements or celebratory moments, regardless of their digital connectivity. 

Employee Profile Page Features

Let colleagues know your skills, experience, goals, and interests.
Halaman Profil
The profile page allows every employee to showcase their personal and professional details, giving coworkers a peek into their personality.
Account Statement
The account statement gives each employee an overview of reward points received and redeemed.
Order History
The order history provides an employee with information on all orders linked to their reward redemption.
Account Preferences
Every employee has the flexibility to set up, language, and notification preferences.

Employee Community Groups Features

Create a sense of community and drive organic conversations.
Jenis-jenis Grup
Gunakan kelompok komunitas untuk menyatukan orang-orang dari departemen, lokasi, proyek, atau minat yang sama.
Kasus Penggunaan Grup
Leverage groups for hobbies, onboarding, upskilling, knowledge banks, classifieds, and more.
Moderasi Konten
Memanfaatkan pengaturan moderasi konten untuk memutuskan bagaimana anggota berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dalam grup.
Group Settings
Group settings include membership restrictions, privacy settings for each group, and activity notifications.

Admin & User Access Permissions

Control how users access various program features and reports.
Access Controls
Empuls memiliki empat level akses pengguna, yaitu Super Admin, Admin Umum, Manajer, dan Pengguna. Super Admin dan Admin Umum dapat mengatur izin akses untuk semua pengguna.
User Management
Super Admins and General Admins can add, edit, or remove user accounts on Empuls, and view the list of active, invited, and disabled users.
Admin Access Delegation
Users with Admin access, such as business leaders or department heads, can delegate their access to other users temporarily to complete critical tasks such as award approvals.
Notification Settings
Manage notification settings for reminders, engagement nudges, and catalog nudges for your organization, across email, app and SMS, and in-product.
User Authentication
You can choose from standard and custom login methods or set custom SSO login for user authentication on Empuls.

Built-in AI Features

Simplify daily tasks for managers, HR teams, and employees.
Weekly Accomplishment Logging
Smart AI nudges prompt employees to log weekly achievements, which are collated and shared with managers, nudging them to recognize team members in the moment.
Recognition Insights for Managers
AI shares valuable insights with managers, such as highlighting team members who've been recognized frequently versus those who haven't been recognized in a while, to ensure that their recognition efforts are well-rounded and inclusive.
Pembuatan Penghargaan Otomatis
People managers can simplify award creation by using AI to generate personalized award graphics, subject lines, and details on demand. With predetermined budgets, AI ensures all awards are consistent, professional, and tailored to each recipient.
Automation of Milestone Celebrations
Schedule milestone celebrations, like birthdays, work anniversaries, service awards, and special days, with automated greetings, nudges to colleagues to join the celebrations, and deliver timely gifts and rewards.
Percakapan yang Dipersonalisasi 
Conversational AI drives personalized conversations to understand the WHY behind employees’ responses by adapting to individual responses for an organic feedback experience and using follow-up questions to uncover deeper insights and key themes. 
AI-based Content Moderation
AI detects and flags inappropriate content, such as racism and gender discrimination, across content published on the social intranet and community groups so HR can take swift action to maintain a respectful digital workplace environment for all employees.
AI-generated Feedback Insights
By using employee responses to open-ended questions in the engagement survey, AI summarizes the feedback and provides sentiment analysis to glean meaningful insights.

Global Reward Marketplace

Delight your global employees with diverse reward choices.
Gift Vouchers
eGift vouchers spanning 25+ categories like electronics, fashion, utility, food, grocery, e-commerce, travel & more. 8000+ Brand Gift cards across 100+ countries.
The experiential rewards catalog offers once-in-a-lifetime experiences (1000+), across 40+ categories and 50+ countries.
Toko Amazon
Integrasi API kami dengan Amazon for Business memungkinkan Anda menawarkan produk tertentu atau seluruh kategori kepada karyawan dari Amazon Store, yang didukung oleh FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon).
Barang Dagangan Merek
Offer a diverse range of merchandise as rewards, from popular, local, and international brands across 15 categories, and backed by Empuls’ seamless shipping and support. 
Barang-barang khusus 
Tawarkan produk premium yang dipersonalisasi dengan merek perusahaan Anda untuk penukaran hadiah, dan kami akan menangani manajemen inventaris, pengiriman, dan dukungan. 
Custom Catalog of Rewards
Manage your custom rewards catalog with Empuls, to offer rewards such as lunch with the CEO, paid time off, a free massage, dinner with the family, and more.
Perjalanan & Hiburan 
Send people to destinations they love and take care of every comfort from start to finish for their travel expeditions - flights, hotels, taxis, sightseeing.
Donasi untuk Amal 
Give employees the flexibility to donate to charitable causes from your pre-approved list of charities across the world. 
Kartu Prabayar 
Allow employees to make purchases with prepaid cards wherever Visa or Mastercard are accepted, for allowances such as meals, fuel, and gifts.

Comprehensive Reporting Capabilities

Optimize your engagement programs with data and insights.
Individual Reports
Give employees access to their own data on frequency of appreciations given and received, frequency of nominations, core values adoption trends, reward budget utilization, points remaining, and redemption trends. 
Manager-level Reports
Tawarkan kepada Manajer SDM visibilitas yang sangat dibutuhkan mengenai frekuensi penghargaan yang diberikan dan diterima oleh anggota tim, frekuensi nominasi, tren adopsi nilai-nilai inti, penggunaan anggaran penghargaan, poin yang tersisa pada setiap anggota tim, dan pengguna aktif bulanan.  
Account Status Reports
Laporan ini menyediakan data tentang nominasi yang tertunda, poin anggaran yang tersedia, poin yang dapat ditukarkan dengan pengguna aktif, poin yang dapat ditukarkan dengan pengguna tidak aktif, saldo dompet penukaran, penggunaan anggaran, sumber poin, penggunaan poin, sumber dana, dan penggunaan dana.
Engagement Reports 
Measure engagement across the company using data on appreciations with awards and core values, gifts and greetings delivered, reward points utilized for rewards and gifts, surveys created by users, survey responses collected, total number of active groups and discussion threads, and most active groups.
Department-level Reports 
Get visibility into frequency of appreciations given and received by departments, frequency of nominations, core values adoption trends, reward budget utilization, points remaining with each department, and monthly active users.
Quid Pro Quo Reports
Empuls has a built-in system abuse detection and prevention feature that identifies quid pro quo/favoritism and provides custom reports on possible abuse between two or many people. 

Platform Customization Features

Tailor the platform to reflect your brand and create a familiar experience.
Showcase your company’s branding to make the platform truly yours with options for adding the Program Logo, Login Page Background, Favicon, and Bot Avatar & Profile.
Platform Theme
Customize the platform theme using options such as Light or Dark Interface Options, Platform Color Theme, Choice of UI Widgets, Color of Icons in the LHS Menu, and Feed Header Image.
Feed Card Background
Customize cards for posts on Birthdays, Service Anniversaries, Welcoming New Joinees, and Leaderboard Winners
Program Settings 
Replicate your program framework on Empuls with options to add your Program Name, Points Name, Time Zone, Language, Currency, Conversion Factor, Cost of Living Index, Home Page, and Feed Post Style.
Customize banners for the Birthday Wish Board, Service Anniversary Wish Board, New Employee Welcome Wish Board, Wall of Fame, and Profile Page

Robust Privacy & Security

Secure your data with industry-leading security and privacy controls.
Our advanced system safeguards against misuse and fraud with intelligent checks and balances, via measures such as VAPT, code reviews, BCP, firewalls, IDS, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption, and code audits. 
Privasi & Kepatuhan Data
Empuls adheres to all global standards including WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA and GDPR, ensuring adherence with data protection standards and industry regulations.
Tax Compliance
Simplify tax reporting and stay compliant with tax regulations with built-in support for essential compliance requirements, including Form 1099 and W-9 where applicable, reducing the administrative burden. 

Enterprise-ready Solutions

Engage your global teams on a single platform custom-built for enterprises·
Multiple Currencies
Facilitate global rewards with multi-currency support, ideal for businesses with  dispersed teams working from multiple countries. 
Multiple Languages
Enhance accessibility with multi-language support across all touchpoints, catering to employees worldwide.  
Penyebaran Multi-Wilayah
Infrastruktur cloud global kami memberikan Anda fleksibilitas untuk memilih bagaimana dan di mana Anda menjalankan dan menyimpan data Anda.
Cost of Living Index
Ensure parity in rewards for teams spread across the globe with our built-in Cost of Living Index that lets you set up equitable rewards. 

Rewards in the flow of work

Embed rewards into the flow of work by integrating with your favorite tools.
Embed Empuls capabilities such as recognition, rewards, and surveys into your intranets like Microsoft Viva to amplify engagement in the flow of work.
Integrate Empuls with your Learning Management System (LMS) to Incentivize learning and development with rewards and meet L&D goals. 
Link Empuls with your Performance Management System (PMS) to reward employees for meeting and exceeding KPIs and goals. 
Connect Empuls with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to reward employees submitting successful employee referrals. 
Health Apps
Run contests tied to health goals and reward employees prioritizing their well-being by integrating Empuls with health apps.

Engagement on the go

Recognize, reward, share feedback and engage from anywhere, anytime.
The Empuls web app supports all Empuls features and capabilities for admins and end users on desktops and laptops.
Empuls’ mobile app for iOS and Android devices supports end user capabilities for recognition, reward redemption, social intranet, community groups, perks, and surveys.
Tablet & Kiosk
For deskless workers who do not have access to a digital device, Empuls can be made available to them on tablets and kiosks for recognition and surveys.

Native Integrations

Connect Empuls with your work tools to involve all employees.
Integrate Empuls with your HRMS to ensure every employee in your system of record is a part of your people initiatives, from recognition and rewards to perks and benefits, communication, and feedback, and well-being.
Collaboration tools
Integrate with collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams to recognise, reward, share feedback, and engage in the flow of work. Eliminate the hassle of switching between applications and boost productivity.
Integrate with popular identity provider systems supported by ADFS and compatible with the SAML 2.0 protocol to let employees access Empuls using the same work credentials they use to access all your corporate apps.
Embed Empuls capabilities for recognition and rewards into your existing intranet tools such as Microsoft Viva and Sharepoint. Bring your entire workforce on a common forum to foster a sense of connectedness and belonging.
Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran
Connect rewards to significant milestones in your Learning & Development program with the Empuls SDK for LMSs. Automate rewards to be delivered when employees finish learning goals and see participation and completion rates soar.
Sistem Pelacakan Pemohon
Motivate employees to refer their friends and family to your organisation by integrating Empuls with your ATS to deliver rewards for successful employee referrals.
Sistem Manajemen Kinerja
Empuls can be integrated with your Performance Management System to deliver rewards for meeting and exceeding performance goals, reinforcing employees to continue to do great work.
Health Apps
Motivate your employees to focus on their physical and mental well-being by connecting Empuls to health apps for driving healthy competition with gamified fitness challenges and rewards.

Semua Fitur