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✨ Jangan ketinggalan! Daftar untuk Webinar Penghargaan Pekerja kami yang dijadualkan pada 29 Februari. 🎖️

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The Empuls Glosari

Terma Glosari Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dan Manfaat Pekerja

Lawati Glosari Sumber Manusia

What are the key employee training metrics?

Effective employee training is essential for ensuring employees are skilled and knowledgeable, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency. Here are the key metrics to measure the success and impact of training programs:


  • Completion rates: Measures the percentage of employees who complete training courses within designated time frames.
  • Pre- and post-training assessments: Utilizes assessments before and after training to evaluate the improvement in knowledge or skills.
  • Employee satisfaction and feedback: Gathers participant feedback regarding the relevance, quality, and applicability of the training provided.
  • Time to proficiency: Tracks how quickly employees become proficient in their roles following training.
  • Behavioral changes/application in the workplace: Observes how effectively training translates into practical, on-the-job changes.
  • Training costs: Calculates the total cost of training per employee, including development, delivery, and material costs.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Measures the financial return on training investments by comparing performance improvements and cost savings against training expenses.
  • Employee retention rates post-training: Evaluates how training impacts staff retention, particularly for training aimed at career development.
Dengar, kenali, anugerahkan dan kekalkan pekerja anda dengan perisian penglibatan Pekerja kami  

How can employee training metrics be used to improve employee training programs?

Leveraging these metrics effectively can significantly enhance the quality and efficacy of employee training programs:

  • Customizing training content: Feedback and assessment results can be used to tailor training materials to better meet the needs and learning styles of employees.
  • Optimizing training delivery: Analyzing completion rates and time to proficiency helps in adjusting the pace and methods of training delivery.
  • Justifying investments: ROI and training cost metrics support the case for investing in more or better training resources by showing the tangible benefits of current training.
  • Enhancing employee engagement and retention: Using satisfaction scores and retention rates to refine training approaches, making them more engaging and beneficial for career growth.
  • Continuous improvement: Regular review of all metrics facilitates ongoing improvements, ensuring the training remains relevant and effective as organizational needs evolve.

Why is it important to track employee training metrics?

Tracking training metrics is crucial for multiple reasons:

  • Ensuring training effectiveness: Metrics provide concrete evidence about whether employees are gaining the intended skills and knowledge.
  • Resource allocation: Helps determine if training resources are being used efficiently and where there might be opportunities for cost savings.
  • Supporting employee development: Metrics can show gaps in the current training programs, highlighting areas where additional or revised training might be necessary.
  • Boosting morale and productivity: Effective training leads to more competent employees who are likely to be more engaged and productive.

Who should be responsible for monitoring employee training metrics?

Various roles within an organization should have responsibility for these metrics:

  • Training and development managers: Directly responsible for overseeing training programs and tracking their effectiveness.
  • Human resources department: Supports training initiatives and often administers feedback surveys and completion tracking.
  • Department heads/managers: Need to monitor the application of training in daily operations and its impact on departmental performance.
  • Executive management: Should review overall training effectiveness in terms of business objectives and ROI.

When should a company start focusing on employee training metrics?

The focus on training metrics should be a continuous process:

  • From the onset of training programs: Establish baseline metrics as soon as training programs are implemented.
  • After revising or introducing new training: Whenever changes are made to existing training programs or new ones are introduced.
  • Periodically: Regular intervals (e.g., annually) to ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness of the training.

How do employee training metrics impact overall business performance?

The impact of well-monitored training metrics on business performance is significant:


  • Enhanced productivity: Well-trained employees are generally more efficient and productive.
  • Improved quality of work: Effective training leads to higher quality output and fewer errors in work.
  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention: Providing valuable training can increase job satisfaction, which in turn reduces turnover rates.
  • Better financial performance: Optimizing training costs and improving ROI from training programs directly affect the bottom line.

Tinjauan nadi pekerja:

Ini ialah tinjauan ringkas yang boleh dihantar dengan kerap untuk menyemak pendapat pekerja anda tentang sesuatu isu dengan cepat. Tinjauan ini terdiri daripada kurang soalan (tidak lebih daripada 10) untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan cepat. Ini boleh ditadbir secara berkala (bulanan / mingguan / suku tahunan).

Mesyuarat satu lawan satu:

Mengadakan mesyuarat berkala selama sejam untuk sembang tidak formal dengan setiap ahli pasukan adalah cara terbaik untuk memahami apa yang berlaku dengan mereka. Oleh kerana ia adalah perbualan yang selamat dan peribadi, ia membantu anda mendapatkan butiran yang lebih baik mengenai sesuatu isu.


eNPS (pekerja skor Net Promoter) adalah salah satu cara yang paling mudah tetapi berkesan untuk menilai pendapat pekerja anda terhadap syarikat anda. Ia termasuk satu soalan menarik yang mengukur kesetiaan. Contoh soalan eNPS termasuk: Bagaimana kemungkinan anda mengesyorkan syarikat kami kepada orang lain? Pekerja bertindak balas terhadap kaji selidik eNPS pada skala 1-10, di mana 10 menandakan mereka 'berkemungkinan besar' untuk mengesyorkan syarikat dan 1 menandakan mereka 'sangat tidak mungkin' untuk mengesyorkannya.

Berdasarkan respons, pekerja boleh diletakkan dalam tiga kategori berbeza:

  • Promoter
    Pekerja yang telah memberi respons positif atau bersetuju.
  • Pengkritik
    Pekerja yang telah bertindak balas secara negatif atau tidak bersetuju.
  • Pasif
    Pekerja yang kekal neutral dengan jawapan mereka.

Pautan Pantas

Penyelesaian Penglibatan Pekerja

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