✨  Don't miss out! Register for our Employee Appreciation Webinar scheduled for 29th February.🎖️
✨  Don't miss out! Register for our Employee Appreciation Webinar scheduled for 29th February.🎖️

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HR people analytics software to unleash the power of your people

Knowing what your people think, feel, and desire is very important at every stage of their journey with your organization. Empuls, our HR people analytics software, empowers you to gain deep insights of people initiatives adoption, foster a thriving workplace culture, and design the future of work with a data-backed approach.

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Purposefully built to drive continuous measurement and improvement using data


Access multiple types of data across culture, engagement, rewards, redemption, and experience.


Utilize insights and cross-linkages in data to understand the effectiveness of your people initiatives.


Make frequent, informed changes using expert-backed recommendations to enhance both people and business metrics.

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Get a holistic view of your people initiatives from communication to surveys, recognition, and rewards

Our HR people analytics software, empowers you to harness the power of your people, drive informed decisions, and elevate your organization to new heights

Team celebrating deal win on Empuls

Culture analytics

  • Values adoption data: Uncover insights into how actively your workforce embodies your core values, allowing you to strategically enhance employee adoption.
  • Employee feedback on culture: Delve into engagement driver analysis through pulse surveys, gaining valuable insights into how your employees feel about your workplace culture, values, vision, and mission.

Celebrating Surendar's birthday on Empuls employee engagement platform

Employee engagement analytics

  • Employee net promoter score (eNPS): Gauge employee loyalty and segment your workforce into promoters, passives, and detractors to understand and enhance overall engagement.
  • Pulse survey insights: Dive deeper into eNPS with a breakdown across four key dimensions - Strategic Connect, Hygiene Factors, Relationships & Culture, and Recognition & Career Growth.

Recognition and reward analytics

  • Recognition trends: Analyze the adoption trends of your employee recognition program, ensuring a culture of appreciation is fostered at every level.
  • Award data: Gain clarity on the success of different award categories, seek employee feedback, and continue to delight your workforce with meaningful rewards.
  • Budget utilization: Manage your rewards budget effectively, understanding how reward points are distributed across departments and time periods.


Works with your everyday work tools

Your employees are already navigating multiple tools at work. We made it easy for them by integrating Empuls with your everyday collaboration, HRIS/HRMS/HCM, and single sign-on tools.

View all integrations

The perks of investing in our HR people analytics software


Improvement in employee net promoter score


Employees more likely to stay at incentivised workplaces


Company revenue growth


Higher customer satisfaction scores


Employees have better understanding of company vision, goals, and values


Employees feel more valued and recognised

Effective workplace communication
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HR digital transformation

A HR digital transformation requires organizations to make vast amends to how it functions. Leaders and employees must change their thought processes and act with higher data orientation.

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