✨ لا تفوت الفرصة! سجل في ندوة تقدير الموظفين عبر الإنترنت المقرر عقدها في 29 فبراير. 🎖️
✨ لا تفوت الفرصة! سجل في ندوة تقدير الموظفين عبر الإنترنت المقرر عقدها في 29 فبراير. 🎖️

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ندوة مباشرة عبر الإنترنت: أسرار لبناء دولاب الموازنة للنمو B2B2C ناجح
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ال Empuls المسرد

مسرد مصطلحات إدارة الموارد البشرية واستحقاقات الموظفين

زيارة مسارد الموارد البشرية

شبكة الموظفين

Employee networks are crucial in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. They provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and collaborate on initiatives that contribute to a positive work environment.

What is an employee network?

An employee network, also known as an employee resource group (ERG) or affinity group, is a voluntary, employee-led organization that brings together individuals with shared interests, backgrounds, or characteristics.

These groups create a sense of community, support, and inclusivity within the workplace. Employee networks aim to foster diversity and provide a platform for employees to connect, collaborate, and address common issues or concerns.

استمع إلى موظفيك واعترف بهم وكافأهم واستبقوا بهم من خلال برنامج مشاركة الموظفين الخاص بنا  

What are the different types of employee networks?

There are 11 different types of employee networks. They are:

  • Women network: A network for women employees to connect, mentor, and empower each other.
  • Asian network: A network for Asian employees and allies to showcase Asian diversity, heritage, and contributions and to support the professional and personal development of Asian employees.
  • Latinx network: A network for Latinx employees and allies to celebrate Latinx culture, identity, and values, and to provide networking, mentoring, and career advancement opportunities for Latinx employees.
  • Veterans network: A network for veterans and military-affiliated employees and allies to support the transition, integration, and retention of veterans in the workplace, and to honor their service and sacrifice.
  • Disability network: A network for employees with disabilities and allies to raise awareness, educate, and advocate for disability inclusion and accessibility in the workplace and beyond.
  • Parents network: A network for employees who are parents or caregivers to share resources, tips, and best practices on balancing work and family life, and to support each other through the joys and challenges of parenthood.
  • Young professionals network: A network for employees who are early in their careers to learn, grow, and network with peers and senior leaders, and to explore career opportunities and pathways.
  • Green network: A network for employees who are passionate about environmental sustainability and social responsibility, and who want to make a positive impact on the planet and society through their work and actions.
  • Wellness network: A network for employees who are interested in health and wellness, and who want to promote a culture of well-being, happiness, and resilience in the workplace and beyond.

What is an employee resource network?

It is a voluntary group of employees who share a common identity, interest, or experience. They provide support, career development, and personal growth for their members. They also help to foster a culture of diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace.

What is the difference between an employee network and an employee resource group?

While both ERGs and Employee networks share similar aims and objectives, there are some key differences:

  • Focus: An ERG often focuses on providing a voice for one under-represented group, whereas an Employee Network may act as a channel for the workforce.
  • Purpose: ERGs are often connected with equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), providing a safe space for people with particular characteristics. In contrast, Employee Networks may seek to share interests and/or influence organizational policy.

Why is employee network important?

Here are a few reasons why it’s important:

  • Knowledge sharing: Networks facilitate the exchange of information and ideas, fostering innovation and problem-solving.
  • Collaboration: A strong network can enhance collaboration and teamwork, improving productivity and efficiency.
  • Career development: Networks can provide mentorship, professional development, and career advancement opportunities.
  • Employee engagement: Networks can help employees feel more connected and engaged, boosting morale and job satisfaction.
  • Organizational success: A well-connected workforce can lead to better decision-making, improved business processes, and ultimately, the organization's success.

How do you build an employee network?

Building an effective employee network involves creating an environment that encourages collaboration, communication, and mutual respect. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build an employee network:

  • Define the purpose: The first step in building an employee network is to define its purpose. This could be anything from fostering better communication, encouraging innovation, or promoting diversity and inclusion. The purpose will guide the structure and activities of the network.
  • Identify key stakeholders: Identify individuals who are influential and have a vested interest in the success of the network. These could be senior leaders, managers, or employees who are well-respected within the organization.
  • Establish a structure: Decide on the structure of the network. This could be a formal structure with a steering committee and designated roles, or a more informal structure where everyone has an equal say. The structure should align with the purpose of the network.
  • Create a communication plan: A communication plan is essential to keep members informed about the network’s activities and achievements. This could involve regular meetings, newsletters, or a dedicated intranet site.
  • Organize networking events: Regular networking events provide opportunities for members to connect and collaborate. These could be workshops, seminars, social events, or online forums.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development: Offering opportunities for professional development can attract employees to the network. This could involve mentoring programs, training sessions, or guest speakers.
  • Evaluate and adapt: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the network and make necessary adjustments. This could involve conducting surveys to gather feedback from members and using this feedback to improve the network.

استطلاعات نبض الموظفين:

هذه استطلاعات قصيرة يمكن إرسالها بشكل متكرر للتحقق من رأي موظفيك في مشكلة ما بسرعة. يتضمن الاستطلاع عددا أقل من الأسئلة (لا يزيد عن 10) للحصول على المعلومات بسرعة. يمكن أن تدار هذه على فترات منتظمة (شهرية / أسبوعية / ربع سنوية).

الاجتماعات الفردية:

يعد عقد اجتماعات دورية لمدة ساعة لإجراء دردشة غير رسمية مع كل عضو في الفريق طريقة ممتازة للحصول على إحساس حقيقي بما يحدث معهم. نظرا لأنها محادثة آمنة وخاصة ، فإنها تساعدك على الحصول على تفاصيل أفضل حول مشكلة ما.


eNPS (نقاط صافي المروج للموظف) هي واحدة من أبسط الطرق الفعالة لتقييم رأي موظفك في شركتك. يتضمن سؤالا مثيرا للاهتمام يقيس الولاء. تتضمن أمثلة أسئلة eNPS: ما مدى احتمال أن توصي بشركتنا للآخرين؟ يستجيب الموظفون لاستطلاع eNPS على مقياس من 1 إلى 10 ، حيث يشير 10 إلى أنهم "من المحتمل جدا" أن يوصوا بالشركة ويشير 1 إلى أنهم "من غير المحتمل للغاية" التوصية بها.

بناء على الردود ، يمكن وضع الموظفين في ثلاث فئات مختلفة:

  • المروجين
    الموظفون الذين استجابوا بشكل إيجابي أو وافقوا على ذلك.
  • المنتقدين
    الموظفون الذين تفاعلوا بشكل سلبي أو لم يوافقوا على ذلك.
  • السلبيون
    الموظفون الذين ظلوا محايدين مع ردودهم.

روابط سريعة

حلول إشراك الموظفين
الكتب الإلكترونية والأدلة

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