Skor Promotor Bersih Karyawan

*Number of customers rated between 0 to 6
*Number of customers rated 7 and 8
*Number of customers rated 9 and 10
Net Promoter Score

eNPS Calculator (Employee Net Promoter Score)

An eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) calculator is a valuable tool organizations use to measure and assess employee satisfaction and loyalty within the workplace. eNPS is derived from the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology and is designed to assess employees' likelihood to recommend their company as a great workplace.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan eNPS?

eNPS, or Employee Net Promoter Score, is a metric used to assess and measure employee satisfaction and loyalty within an organization. It is an adaptation of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology, originally developed to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. eNPS gauges employees' willingness to recommend their company as a great workplace.

What is an employee net promoter score calculator?

An Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) calculator is a tool or software application designed to automate calculating an organization's eNPS based on employee survey responses. The eNPS calculator simplifies the complex mathematical steps involved in determining the eNPS score, making it easier for HR professionals, managers, and leaders to measure and interpret employee satisfaction and loyalty within the workplace.

Why use an eNPS calculator?

eNPS calculator is used:

  1. Efficiency
  • eNPS calculators automate the complex mathematical calculations involved in determining eNPS scores. This saves time and effort compared to manual calculations, especially when dealing with many survey responses.
  1. Accuracy
  • Automation reduces the risk of human error associated with manual calculations. This ensures that eNPS scores are accurate and reliable, allowing organizations to make informed decisions based on trustworthy data.
  1. Consistency
  • Using an eNPS calculator ensures that eNPS scores are calculated consistently and in accordance with the standardized eNPS methodology. This consistency is crucial when tracking changes in scores over time or comparing scores across different teams or departments.
  1. Real-time reporting
  • Many eNPS calculators provide real-time reporting and visualization of eNPS data. This allows organizations to access up-to-date information on employee sentiment and track trends over time. Real-time reporting enables timely interventions and improvements.
  1. Data analysis
  • Some eNPS calculators offer features for in-depth data analysis. They allow organizations to explore survey responses and comments, helping them uncover insights into the specific factors driving employee sentiment. This analysis can inform targeted strategies for improvement.

  • How is eNPS calculated?
  • This is how to calculate eNPS:
  1. Survey question

Begin by asking employees the following question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your company as a place to work?" Employees provide a numerical rating on this scale.

  1. Categorization of responses:
  • Promoters: Employees who respond with a rating of 9 or 10 are considered promoters. They are highly satisfied with their workplace and are enthusiastic about recommending it to others.
  • Detractors: Employees who respond with a rating of 0 to 6 are classified as detractors. They are dissatisfied with their workplace and may have negative sentiments about it.
  • Passives: Employees who respond with a rating of 7 or 8 are labeled as passives. They are generally satisfied but not strongly committed to promoting the company.
  1. Calculation
  • Calculate the no. of respondents in each category. 
  • The formula is:
  • Total % of promoters – total % of detractors = net promoter score
  1. Results
  • A positive eNPS indicates that there are more promoters than detractors among employees, suggesting a favorable sentiment within the workforce.
  • A negative eNPS suggests that there are more detractors than promoters, indicating dissatisfaction among employees.
  • A score around zero suggests a relatively balanced mix of promoters and detractors.

How does an eNPS calculator work?

eNPS calculator works as:

  1. Data input
  • Users input the survey responses obtained from employees. The responses typically include the numerical ratings given by employees in response to the eNPS question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your company as a place to work?" These ratings are typically stored in a data file or spreadsheet.
  1. Data categorization
  • The eNPS calculator automatically categorizes the responses into three groups based on the rating provided by each employee:
  • Promoters: Employees who gave a rating of 9 or 10 are categorized as promoters. They are highly satisfied and likely to recommend the company.
  • Detractors: Employees who gave a rating of 0 to 6 are categorized as detractors. They are dissatisfied and less likely to recommend the company.
  • Passives: Employees who gave a rating of 7 or 8 are considered passives. They are generally satisfied but not as enthusiastic as promoters.
  1. eNPS calculation

Calculate using the formula

eNPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors

eNPS calculation formula

The formula for calculating eNPS:

eNPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors

Suppose you've conducted an eNPS survey within your company, and you received responses from 150 employees. Each employee rated the likelihood of recommending the company as a place to work on a scale of 0 to 10.

Here's the distribution of responses:

  • 60 employees rated 9 or 10 (Promoters)
  • 40 employees rated 7 or 8 (Passives)
  • 50 employees rated 0 to 6 (Detractors)

Now, let's calculate the eNPS 

Calculate the percentage of Promoters:

Percentage of Promoters = (Number of Promoters / Total Number of Respondents) * 100Percentage of Promoters = (60 / 150) * 100Percentage of Promoters = 40%Calculate the percentage of Detractors:

Percentage of Detractors = (Number of Detractors / Total Number of Respondents) * 100Percentage of Detractors = (50 / 150) * 100Percentage of Detractors = 33.33% (rounded to two decimal places)Calculate the eNPS:eNPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of DetractorseNPS = 40% - 33.33%eNPS = 6.67%

Daftar Pertanyaan

What is an example of an eNPS score?

An example of an eNPS score could be +25. This positive eNPS score indicates that, based on employee survey responses, there is a strong net positive sentiment within the organization, with more promoters than detractors. It suggests that employees are generally satisfied and likely to recommend the company as a great place to work.

What is a good eNPS score?

A good eNPS score typically falls above zero, indicating a positive sentiment among employees. However, what is considered a "good" score can vary by industry and organization. Generally, scores above +20 are often considered favorable, but the specific benchmark for a good eNPS score should be determined based on industry norms and your organization's historical data and goals.

How do you calculate NPS 1 to 5?

Calculating NPS (Net Promoter Score) with a 1 to 5 scale involves grouping respondents into promoters, passives, and detractors based on their ratings:

1. Promoters: Those who select a rating of 4 or 5.

2. Passives: Those who select a rating of 3.

3. Detractors: Those who select a rating of 1 or 2.

Then, calculate the NPS using the formula:

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors.

The result will be an NPS score that can range from -100 to +100, reflecting the sentiment of your respondents on a 1 to 5 scale.

Unlock employee satisfaction with ENPS – Your key to a thriving workplace
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