Empuls & Adrenalin integration for automatic data sync

Empuls and Adrenalin together help you drive your employee engagement and experience initiatives using a data-backed approach.

Empuls Vs. Adrenalin

Empuls & Adrenalin are best suited for each other

Both are critical components of your HR Tech ecosystem helping you execute your employee experience strategy.


All-in-one platform for managing engagement initiatives

Offers dynamic data on culture, experience, and engagement

Capabilities for recognition, rewards, perks & benefits, surveys, social intranet and community groups


Core system of record for financial and operational information

Hosts static data on employees, payroll and foundational infrastructure

Capabilities for managing payroll, attendance, recruitment, job architecture, and talent development

Benefits & ROI

Optimize the ROI from your HRTech

Get the maximum out of your Adrenalin and Empuls integration because together they are powerful!

DIY for Small & Mid-sized Companies

DIY for Small & Mid-sized Companies

Small and mid-sized companies can get started with a quick and easy, DIY approach to integrate Empuls with your HRMS.

The integration allows you to pull multiple data points from your HRMS into Empuls, such as Name, Email ID, Employee ID, Date of Joining, Date of Exit, Date of Birth, Contact Number, Designation, Location, Reporting Manager, Department, Department Head, Business Unit, Employee Status, Grade, Cost Center, and more.

Custom Integration for Enterprises

Custom Integration for Enterprises

Companies with bigger teams, spread across multiple locations, having complex processes and data, may require a custom integration approach.

Our experts will be happy to connect and work closely with your HR and IT teams to understand your requirements and set up the integration, which may take upto a maximum of 7 business days.

Schedule a meeting with our experts to discuss your unique requirements.



Quick & Easy Integration Process

Get Your Integration Details

Ask the Adrenalin team for your unique integration API key and Access Token. They'll provide these details upon request.

Start the Integration

The Empuls team can help with the setup. You can choose the data fields of employees you wish to upload to Empuls.

Download Data

Admins can download user data before initiating the integration. This allows you to remove all discrepancies in your data.

Schedule the Data Sync

Once the setup is complete, you can schedule to sync employee data as per your requirements.