Glosario de términos de gestión de recursos humanos y beneficios para los empleados
Risk management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating risks that may affect an organization's ability to achieve its objectives. It involves understanding potential threats and opportunities, and implementing strategies to minimize negative impacts while maximizing opportunities for growth and success.
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks followed by coordinated efforts to minimize, monitor, and control the impact or probability of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
Enterprise risk management (ERM) refers to the comprehensive approach a business takes to identify, assess, and manage all potential risks across the organization, considering their interdependencies and impact on the achievement of strategic objectives.
Risk management in healthcare involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could affect patient safety, quality of care, financial stability, regulatory compliance, and reputation within healthcare organizations.
A risk manager is responsible for identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential risks within an organization, developing strategies to mitigate or eliminate those risks, implementing risk management policies and procedures, and monitoring their effectiveness.
Operational risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks arising from the day-to-day operations of an organization, including processes, systems, people, and external factors, to ensure operational continuity and resilience.
In risk management, risk refers to the uncertainty or potential for loss, damage, harm, or failure to achieve desired outcomes. It encompasses both threats and opportunities that may impact an organization's objectives.
Risk management in business involves the systematic process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating risks that could affect the achievement of business goals and objectives, encompassing various areas such as financial, operational, strategic, and compliance risks.
Third-party risk management involves assessing and managing risks associated with vendors, suppliers, contractors, partners, or any external entities that have a relationship with an organization, to ensure their activities do not pose threats to the organization's operations or reputation.
Risk manager identifies potential risks, evaluates their impact and likelihood, develops strategies to mitigate or manage those risks, implements risk controls and measures, monitors their effectiveness, and communicates risk-related information to stakeholders to support informed decision-making.
A risk management plan is a formal document that outlines an organization's approach to managing risks, including the processes, methodologies, responsibilities, resources, and timelines for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks throughout the organization.
In project management, risk refers to uncertain events or conditions that, if they occur, may have a positive or negative impact on the project's objectives in terms of scope, schedule, cost, quality, or other key parameters.
The five types of risk management are:
The five principles of risk management are:
The five elements of risk management are:
Risk management is crucial across diverse sectors such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and more. It helps organizations anticipate and prepare for uncertainties, thereby reducing the likelihood of financial losses, reputation damage, operational disruptions, and legal liabilities.
The primary purpose of risk management is to proactively address potential threats and opportunities to enhance decision-making, resource allocation, and overall organizational resilience. By effectively managing risks, organizations can optimize their performance, protect stakeholders' interests, and sustain long-term growth.
The different types of risks are:
The emerging trends and technologies in risk management are:
The risk identification techniques are:
the risk mitigation strategies are as follows:
Risk needs to be assessed in the following manner keeping in mind the methodology:
Se trata de encuestas cortas que pueden enviarse con frecuencia para comprobar rápidamente lo que piensan sus empleados sobre un tema. La encuesta consta de menos preguntas (no más de 10) para obtener la información rápidamente. Pueden administrarse a intervalos regulares (mensual/semanal/trimestral).
Celebrar reuniones periódicas de una hora de duración para mantener una charla informal con cada uno de los miembros del equipo es una forma excelente de hacerse una idea real de lo que ocurre con ellos. Al ser una conversación segura y privada, te ayuda a obtener mejores detalles sobre un asunto.
El eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) es una de las formas más sencillas pero eficaces de evaluar la opinión de sus empleados sobre su empresa. Incluye una pregunta intrigante que mide la lealtad. Un ejemplo de las preguntas del eNPS son ¿Qué probabilidad hay de que recomiende nuestra empresa a otras personas? Los empleados responden a la encuesta eNPS en una escala del 1 al 10, donde el 10 denota que es "muy probable" que recomienden la empresa y el 1 significa que es "muy poco probable" que la recomienden.
The risk management process are as follows:
To monitor and control risk, do the following:
Risk management is important because it helps organizations anticipate and prepare for potential threats or opportunities, enhances decision-making processes, protects assets and resources, improves operational efficiency, ensures compliance with regulations, and ultimately contributes to the achievement of strategic objectives.